Playing in the Rain
Rain. Lots of rain. That's what we encountered when we went outside to wait for the bus this morning. Even with a jacket & umbrella, the winds forced the rain so hard that Kirsten's face was soaked. She loves the rain and her cute ducky umbrella, but this was a bit too much for her, so we waited in the car. By the time the bus got there & I was fastening her belt buckle, I realized while she was wet, I was drenched! The bus took off and I had a decision to make... to use my umbrella and run back to the door or to just embrace my state of being and have fun with it. I chose the latter! All too often I dash to where I need to be, dodging as much rain as I can... in fear of getting "messed up" when I'm headed somewhere. When was the last time I actually splashed in a puddle? When was the last time YOU did?

I folded up my umbrella and let the rain just pour down over me... it was incredible! I jumped in a puddle (which took up most of the sidewalk anyway) and even kicked my flip-flop a few feet away from me. I laughed and I loved it.
I bet God's heart gets so happy when He sees us just enjoying life like that. We know He sends us rain to water the plants and such, but who's to say He doesn't send a particular downpour when He knows we could use the fun?!? Within minutes of me getting back inside, it stopped. Maybe He sent that here just for me to take a moment of being child-like and enjoying it! In that moment, I hadn't a care in the world... no stress, no worries, no fear... just embracing the simple pleasure of playing in the rain.

When I came back in, Matt laughed a little at how wet I was. I changed, grabbed my morning cup of coffee, sat down, and smiled from my soul. Thank you, Father, for the great morning.
wow! sounds so invigorating! one time i ran around the block in the rain and it was amazing!! it was unfortunately about 8 years ago, so i'm overdue to do it again!
i'm still pretty caught up in the "rain messes up my hair" thing!
thanks for the great post!
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