Happy Mother's Day

Well, another Mother's Day is approaching it's end. What did I do to celebrate? I embraced the true fashion of Motherhood... stayed home with a sick child! It would've been nice to visit my Mom or Matt's Mom, but... gotta do what'cha gotta do! I was a bit bummed, too, since it was to be my first time working in the nursery at Paradox... I was looking forward to cuddling with some babies! I've been having that little "bug" for some time now, but we know that's all in God's Hands. I'm digressing... where was I?
Oh yeah, my day! Matt went to church & let Kirsten & I just sleep in. That felt good! On his way home he picked up food for us & after eating, I went to the store. Had to stock up on sickie foods: popsicles, jello, juice, applesauce, and more meds. Fun, fun, fun! Got myself some Breyer's Mint Choc. Chip ice cream while there... the low-fat/whatever-it's-now-called kind. Have some weddings coming up, one especially that I'm beginning to freak out over. Anyone have a body I can borrow for a day? Again, I'm straying.
When I got back home, Matt went to bed. Oh, I forgot to mention how he took Kirsten to Hallmark this week & picked up cards & let her pick out a little figurine for me... it's so cute! A little praying figure... faceless, like I prefer... very nice. I ended up having some nice quality time with Kirsten, in spite of her being sick. I decided to use this foot spa I have for the first time today (hmmm... the foot spa can be a new post in itself!), and let Kirsten use it some, too. After I helped her soak her little tootsies for a few, I dried off her feet & rubbed lotion on them, giving a nice little massage while doing so. It was cute... she's got these adorable soft & narrow feet & it felt good to do something neat like that for her! Reminded me immediately of when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. I'm sure their feet weren't quite as pleasant to the touch as Kirsten's were! You know, maybe Jesus was one of those people who can't stand feet... like Matt! (I got NO foot massages while pregnant!) We don't know! But He showed love and servanthood and humility. Anyway, when I was done with Kirsten's feet, I used some lotion on her arms & hands. Then she wanted to do the same to me! I loved it! I'll have to train her how to give great foot & hand rubs & I'll even pay her to do it sometimes in the future! I have a brother-in-law that does that w/his daughter! Good thinking!
I spent a little time today on my MySpace account and added a bunch of pictures related to when Kirsten was born. I guess that was something big on my mind this Mother's Day. Just looking back to see all that God has brought us thru... it's pretty awesome! I have a website at Caring Bridge that I set up last year when Kirsten was going thru a major surgery, and I need to give that an update in the next week or two.
Okay, I can ramble about senseless stuff for the rest of the night, so I'll stop here instead and just wish everyone a...

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