we've been hit!
It's official. Influenza B has invaded our home. Well, more like it's invaded my husband! Matt is officially illin'... big time! It started earlier in the week with coughs & a fever. The aches & pains started next & knocked him out of work Thursday night. Friday he went to see the doctor & was told it was probably just a virus. He decided to try working thru it Friday night, which turned out to be pretty rough. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat somewhere when I know the baker/chef is sick. (He's a baker - works midnights.) The idea of massive coughing attacks & fevers around my cheese bagel just doesn't sound appealing! Saturday it was out of control for him. The pain in his body & throat just became too rough, even for my tough hubby to handle. Alternating Tylenol & Motrin every 4-6 hours for the past few days just wasn't doing it. It was time for some outside assistance. We dropped Kirsten off at my Mom's and headed to the hospital. We arrived at 8:30pm and were checked in pretty fast. This was definitely a different experience for us... in the past we've only dealt with him taking me to the hospital (gall bladder & then pregnancy emergency), or us taking Kirsten back after a problem with one of her nose surgeries. This was the first time I was taking Matt in for something. Anyway, they moved us along fast, which was nice. Matt was just so looking for some relief from the extreme pain he was in. His temp was 102.8 and they said his pulse was running pretty high. By the time we left around 10:30, his temp was still about the same (102.7), but at least he had a bag and a half of IV fluids and some meds. Unfortunately, they only gave him some Tylenol & Motrin, which didn't really help the pain for him. Poor honey! He had the chills pretty bad and was bundling up as much as possible. The doctor explained that with this flu, he should try just wearing a t-shirt & boxers at home, not over-bundling which would keep the fever higher. I asked if he could return to work & she pretty much said no way. She said this lasts 7-10 days, his fever might still continue 2 or 3 more days, and the rest should start subsiding some after that (but the aches & fatigue will linger longest). She said he's still quite contagious, but we've most likely all been exposed already to it. I looked up a few sites online (here andhere) that pretty much confirmed how it's already been out there for us to catch. I think Paul might have caught some of it, but I'm hoping & praying Kirsten & I haven't. (I think we just have small colds so far.) Anyway, we found out that Kirsten threw up at my Mom's house while we were at the hospital... sorry Mom! Today we figured out that maybe it was just from too much stimulation. Too much partying that day, to be honest! I took her to my friend Maggie's baby shower with me for a little bit, and then I took her from there right to her schoolmate Brittney's birthday party. Too much excitement, perhaps? Like I said, I think Kirsten & I are just fighting off colds, and Paul's fighting a fever & body aches. I can't wait for nice enough weather that will let us open up some windows & air out this sick house!

Oh, I forgot to tell a funny part of our night in the ER... Matt was having issues with being very cold (chills). He was given a little blanket, which he doubled up and wrapped around his upper body. I ended up using my coat to help cover his legs & feet. A hospital employee came in to stock something, and he looked at Matt. This was a large, burly man with a heavy accent (Slovic, maybe?), and very friendly. He asked Matt what happened to him - was he attacked by a guy with a hook or one with a wooden leg? We were a little puzzled, then realized he was looking at Matt's skull cap... there was a skull & crossbone patch on it! He asked if Matt needed anything, and Matt asked for another blanket. The man said, "Anything for you, my Pirate Captain!" He quickly came back with 2 large, very warm blankets! .

Oh, and one other not-so-funny (slightly disturbing to me) thing that happened... the doctor asked if I was Matt's MOM!!! I thought she was joking, but I don't think she was! Maybe it's because I was doing all the talking for him (his throat was hurting too much)? Or maybe it's because with the skull cap on & the way he was bundled up, she mistook him for being in his late teens? I mean, I could feasibly have a 17 year old... but I think I'll stop right there, that thought's making me sick to my stomach! LOL (Do I really look that much older than him?!? Ugh!)
Hey, woman!!! I HAVE AN 18 YEAR OLD! So, don't kid yourself...you ARE old enough. But, that does suck that they thought you were his mom. He does look very young, though.
LOL! When I used to walk to work all bundled up, I had protective services stop me a couple times asking me why my parents were letting me walk in 5 degree weather. When I told them I was 26, they got embarrassed. I know it's hard to tell because I'm a little on the short side, but sheesh.
Oh and if I were ever mistaken for Jacob's mom, he would tease me about that til the day we died. With the age difference and all.
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