The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Decision time

We've got to make a decision, and it's not coming that easy for us! Basically, we need to decide if we're going to have Kirsten go thru another surgery on her nose. If we do so, it'll be next month sometime, as we'll want it done before school starts back up. Short version: Kirsten was born with a blocked nostril ("choanal atresia" or we just abbrev. it to "CA"). She's been thru numerous surgeries to open the blockage (mostly it's bone), but it's always closed back up (and fast). It's been 2 years since the last procedure, and that one was the "last resort" surgery that "always" seems to work. Except with our little super-healing powered girl. Within 2 weeks of the stent's removal, bone grew back.

So, we need to decide what to do. I posted more about this on our webpage about Kirsten, so feel free to read there for details & a new photo (of the CT images).

We ask for your prayers, too, in this matter. We just want that clarity... that peace that only God can give us to let us know we're making the right decision. Then again, we felt that before... but we just have to keep on trusting!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth,
Thanks for updating us about Kirsten. When we feel there is nothing much we can do for friends in situations like these we can ALWAYS pray! We will certainly pray for you and Matt; it is extremely difficult to face a decision like this when all you want to do is the very best for your child. It is frustrating and scary when you are not sure what that is. We have been there. We will certainly pray that the outcome for Kirsten will be the very best regardless of the decision. Please know we are here to listen and lend any support we can! Much Love, Marie (and the entire Fam xoxo!)

Jul 16, 2007, 9:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we'll be praying for you guys and especially our little girl. She's a brave young lady.

Jul 16, 2007, 6:04:00 PM  

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