Shard attack!
As I was heating up some soup for Kirsten this afternoon, I decided to put some dishes soaking to wash. I grabbed a few glasses from the dish rack to put away, and when I was turning, one slipped out of my hand. It was a heavy glass and it must've hit the end of the counter (where a metal edge is) because it just shattered into what seemed to be a million pieces! After a frozen moment of shock at what happened, I noticed blood dripping at a rapid pace from a fingertip on my left hand. Kirsten rushed from the other room & I told her to stay out of the kitchen. She was scared to see me bleeding (and from the loud noise of the glass breaking), and I didn't want to turn my head around to look at her. Why? Because I was pretty sure I had some glass on my face, and I didn't want to scare her with that potentially bloody sight! I told her to go wake up Matt, who had just gone to sleep about 5-10 minutes before this happened. I advised him to slip something on his feet, he did, and then he gave me something to wrap my finger in. He started blotting at my face, but I asked him to stop because I was worried he might accidentally push any glass that might be there further in. I looked down before heading to the bathroom & it looked as if a small rodent was butchered right on the kitchen floor! There was a lot of blood! (I was partially amazed at how brightly red it was, too!) Anyway, I gently pulled a few shards of glass from my face & then rinsed off my legs & feet in the bathtub. I changed my shirt (tiny sparkles were all over it) and went to see how it was going in the kitchen with Matt's clean-up job. He cleaned the majority of things, and I thanked him kindly & sent him back to bed. I had to sit and collect myself for a little bit... that really freaked me out! As I was sitting on the couch with my throbbing finger, I was trying to calmly talk with Kirsten, easing any fears she had left. Suddenly I was aware of a new sensation... something sharp in my throat when I swallowed! Oh no! I ran to the bathroom, shut the door, and proceeded to make myself throw up. Yes, dumb idea... I didn't realize that until after I did it! Well, nothing came up, including blood (meaning there was no blood), so that was a good thing. I called my brother Paul (he's my medical consultant on many things!) and he asked me some questions to assess things & gave some suggestions. All ended up fine, and now my throat just has a little sharp pains from the dumb vomiting.
It's evening, and I'm still a little paranoid about this. When I rub my face, I do it very gently, just in case. Even just an hour ago I found another tiny little shard of glass on my jawline. It was like the glass had just exploded... so many little pieces all over the place, including all over me! I was attacked by shards of glass! Shard attack! LOL (Good thing I can laugh about it now!)
Oh, and I did do a more thorough cleaning in the kitchen. Some bleach on the floor took care of the pool of blood that was staining it (and it was splattered quite far, too!?!). No more appearance of a murder in there! I even found some glass in the dishpan in the sink, which I expected. Hopefully I found it all... I'd hate for Kirsten's little piggies to find any by accident one day!
As usual, here's some photos to caption the fun...

that's the thick glass (well, it's a duplicate of the one broken)

that's a small view of my fingertip (middle finger) - the glass cut thru my nail, too (the bleeding stopped quickly enough and it doesn't even hurt anymore!) (Well, until I bump it! I am a bit clumsy!)

and there's a few circled spots of where I was bleeding a little on my face. Praise God that there wasn't any glass in my eye! It was close, but a miracle happened & it didn't get inside! (I think God knows that I've had enough issues with my eyes! LOL)
Glad you are safe. You made this blog too funny, (what else could I expect from you?)
Did I tell you about my "almost-getting-struck-by-lighting" accident?
Yikes!! I'm coming over to confiscate all your glasses and I'll be bringing a big stack of plastic cups for you to use from now on!!! Glad yer safe, girl.
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