It's over

That's Kirsten today with Mrs. Freeman, her Kindergarten teacher. Today was the end of an era. Well, it was the end of 1/2 days of school for Kirsten. I really didn't think this would effect me like it has. I mean, Kirsten started school when she was 3 (turned 3 on July 26, started school a month later). She attended ECDD (Early Childhood Developmental Delay program - they had the PT, OT, & Speech she needed) classes & right off the bat went five 1/2 days every week. The hardest part of that was seeing this tiny little girl hop up on the big school bus!

But she did it with excitement & it was amazing to see her learn and grow so much in that first year alone! Two years of those classes,

one year of DK (Developmental Kindergarten),

and then this year was Kindergarten.

I was thinking this would be like the end of every other year. But boy, was I wrong. Today we celebrated these kids. Matt & I celebrated our daughter. We're remembering the little girl who couldn't speak well, who was so behind other kids her age. And we're seeing the girl that God has been helping her become. She's a girl who can count, she can read a few words and sound out more. She loves to read and she's eager for the time when she can read by herself. She loves to make her own lunches and help make mine. She wants to do everything we let her - and more! She wants to keep learning... and it's so wonderfully amazing to see! She's excited for first grade and almost can't wait to begin!
The fall holds new challenges for us. Will she adjust okay to the full days of school? Will she eat what I make her for lunch? Will she be able to stay focused and sit still for longer periods of time now? Will she have meltdowns there if she's over-stressed? Will I be okay? Will I miss my Peanut's company for lunch? It's over. She won't be at home as much as she has been in the past almost 7 years. She's growing, and this is our first big step towards her independence I suppose. I'm so proud of my little Peanut. She's come such a long way, and she's raring to just keep charging on. And we'll be behind her all the way, with my kleenex in my pocket to secretly catch those happy tears!
Yep, our little girl is growing up. I was glad I could be there. (At her celebration, that is). :)
Oh your blog made me tear up alittle. I already know how hard that would be, and reece is just almost one. I would miss her a ton. You can call me at lunch time if you need a buddy in the fall.
Awww...she's such a sweet girl. They grow up so fast, don't they????
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