Confirmed mutant sighting
I've come to the conclusion that I must be a mutant of some sort. I gave birth to a child with super healing powers, but I haven't quite figured out yet what my special abilities might be. What I do know is that bugs, specifically mosquitoes, are highly attracted to me and find me quite a tasty treat. It's quite common for me to have a high number of bites, especially on my legs. Last summer, on a weekend camping trip, I had around 30 on each leg... even when using "insect repellent."

(Hmmm... after looking at this photo, it makes me feel as if this is the way I'm making up for never having chicken pox!)
Last week, Matt & Kirsten & I took our first official vacation together by ourselves (I'll post about it at another time). Figures, come Sunday I start feeling the itchy spots on my legs, and sure enough... I got some bites. Weirdest part to me was that I didn't remember swatting at a single insect, didn't see anything flying around, didn't hear that buzzing sound at night. Nothing but silence. It was a surprise attack!
The numbers weren't as large this time (Kirsten counted 39 as the total of both legs, from the hips down), but the odd part was how the bite areas themselves began to look. They seemed to be larger than normal this time around.
They were mutating.

Some even began to blister up & ooze a little clear liquid (sorry to gross you out!).
Today I decided to see my doctor about this mystery. I've been eaten up by the buggers, but never have the spots grown so large or blistered up. Dr. Sams told me it was good that I came in. They're infected. Just lovely. He said we're catching it soon enough before it turns into a staph infection. Oooh, fun! He gave me an rx for some potent antibiotics to start immediately, and instructions to call back if they don't seem to improve.
So, anyone in close enough proximity to my legs will just have to deal with the fact that I won't be shaving anytime soon. No silky leg cuddles, sorry. I asked Dr. Sams if he's heard of any meds I could take as a preventative whenever I think I might be exposed (to keep the bites from happening), and he said there's nothing on the official market yet. He told me to do some online searching for alternative methods. I found one site mentioning to take vitamin B1 (15 mg. per 30# of body weight) at the same time every day, not exceeding taking it for more than a few weeks straight. It's supposed to exude some type of scent from the body that will make any mosquito think twice about coming any closer. Another spot mentioned the possibility of the use of a form of garlic, but since I'm pretty sure I'm part vampire, garlic is something I stay far away from! *giggle* I guess now I'll just have to wait and see how they heal.
Hmmm... still thinking about that super power...
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