The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I know, I really need to get back into this. If not for my own sake, for my mother-in-law's! LOL (I love you, Mom!) Many days I've found myself saying, "Oh, I need to blog about that!" Then, as you can see, I forget. Something about my focus has really been off-whack this year. More specifically since mid-spring or so. Maybe it was the whole move thing? During and after our move, for most of the summer actually, we had all sorts of car issues happening. Maybe that knocked me off my kilter? I'm not sure. I wish I could put my finger on whatever got me off-track so I can deal with it, recover, and get back to things. Then again, my "norm" around home has been different. Kirsten's in 2nd grade now, I've picked up more hours, and I'm really not online as much as I used to be. I think it's a good thing, but part of me still wonders why.

Anyway, I still have much unpacking & organizing to do around here. With more hours at work, I just can't seem to be motivated to do a lot. My motivation hits me when Matt's sleeping during the day. You know, when I can't get into our bedroom & tackle what's bugging me in there! Today I had the morning before work to do things. I did some online browsing & such (Facebooking, actually!) while having my coffee & bagel. Then I planned on attacking at least one box in the living room. I walked to the kitchen and realized I needed to make some Kool-aid. I also needed to empty the full ice trays so Kirsten could use the fun shapes (hearts & stars right now). One thing led to another & I ended up doing kitchen work - and quite a lot! Emptied the dishwasher. Restacked & put it running again. Got rid of any old foods in the fridge. Scrubbed down the inside of the entire fridge & freezer. Make the Kool-aid. Refilled the water pitcher. Poured myself a glass of orange juice, and here I sit!

So, I didn't get to the box I intended to today, but I did accomplish something! Nothing that helps me get closer to inviting company over (again - I love you, Mom!), but it's something that made me feel good doing. Maybe I'll find a small one I can clear out before work. I think I can manage that! :)

** It's been an hour or two since this post, and I have to add this... I'm about to hop in the shower to get ready for work, and I'm proud to say it's a spotless shower! I spent the time between that post and now to SCRUB the bathroom! Didn't get to the floor, but everything else is squeaky clean & sparkly! :)


Blogger Rebecca said...

i'm glad you're back to blogging! i've missed your posts, but i too have been busy cleaning...doesn't it feel SO good?!?

Sep 22, 2008, 9:33:00 PM  

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