Laughter truly is some of the best medicine
I love when a late night talk show has the ability to change your mood from bad to good before bed. Tonight, Conan O'Brien's show just did that for me! Here I was, all worked up this evening about that letter today, and I decided to try to unwind by watching last night's "Hell's Kitchen" episode that we taped. When I stopped the tape after watching it, Conan's show was on, and he was talking with Glenn Close. He always seems to be able to make me laugh, but this time it was Ms. Close that was cracking me up! That woman is awesome!

They were talking about her family, then the conversation turned to her love for dogs and an upcoming fun blog that she'll be participating in about dogs and their owners. At this point, Conan brings up a rumor he heard, asking Ms. Close to confirm or deny it - that she, on occasion, eats dog biscuits! She said she did indeed eat some as a child. Conan made a funny comment how she came on the wrong talk show, and he brought out a box of Milk-Bone dog biscuits and asked if she wanted one! Can you guess what she did? That amazing, award-winning actress grabbed a biscuit and took a bite! Big smile on her face, she continued the interview while eating it! Of course, Conan had to do the same... I was laughing so hard! It was beautiful!!!

Thank you, late night television, for letting me get lost in the laughter!
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