We're moving!

Oh... my... goodness! The packing hasn't even started and I'm already going crazy! I had such plans in my mind for when we moved next. I had imagined how I'd perfectly orgazine every little thing we own, deciding whether to keep or purge it, and making the right choice every time. Doesn't look like that's going to happen! One thing unexpected that I do embrace is that since we'll be living with someone else, I don't have to have everything we own available for use. There are many things that Paul already has in use that we can store ours of, such as pots & pans. Tomorrow when I go over there to paint our bedroom, I'll bring a list of things to see what we'll actually need out.

Don't you think packing in a tutu would be fun?!? I think I'd find it most entertaining if Matt was the one wearing the tutu, but I'd imagine Kirsten would turn out to be the one doing so. I'll just have to find some things along the way to make myself a little less nutty as I go along in this process!
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