The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Time for a few updates on what's happening in our little corner of the world!

Last Tuesday Matt had a follow-up appointment with the doctor to see how his pneumonia was progressing, and if he could return to work. They found he was still running a low-grade fever, and with a few x-rays they saw he still had some issues in his lungs. Another few days off work were prescribed, and out the door he went. He finally returned to work later in the week, and he's doing much better. He still has issues with his chest being tight & hurting, and he still tires quite easily, but he's on the mend.

Today we met with our mortgage guy. We went into the meeting feeling sure that we'd be leaving with a clear picture of what we'd be doing. We'd know whether we could buy now or rent for another year. Well, little did we know that the guy was pretty set on us buying! He brought papers for us to start signing & everything! My head's spinning a little, but it's kind of exciting to know this is actually a strong possibility! The problem is that we only have a few months to move out of my brother's place, and I don't know if that's enough time for us to finish getting everything we need taken care of to get our credit in the shape it needs to be in. Unless we win a big lottery, I'm not quite sure how this is going to happen. Then again, we do have a clear picture of what we need to do. Now we just need to get cracking on it! (Not just bill paying, but calls need to be made, documents obtained, etc.) So if we're not able to go out for dinner or see a movie with any of you that might be reading this, you know why! We've got a big goal here and a short amount of time to reach it!

I'll be sure to update again another time when there's more news to share!

Oh, I almost forgot to update on my OB/GYN appointment (yes guys, you can close the page right here & now!)! I went last Tuesday & was given meds so I can jump start my 6-mo.late cycle. The doc's still concerned about my heart health risks, and we talked some about that. She asked me questions about my sleep, and would like me to go to a sleep clinic. Yeah, maybe in the fall when I have a moment to breathe! They drew blood & called me a few days later to say everything looked good except my folic acid is a bit low. I'm sure some vitamins can help that. Oh yeah, she also addressed the whole b.control issue again (not for pregnancy prevention, since we know that'd be a miracle, but for the other issues). She really seems to want me to try an IUD... anyone do one of those before that can share the experience/side effects??? Not keen on using anything, so I'll just wait a while. She also wants me to see a nutritionist and maybe attend a seminar on healthy eating / PCOS / insulin stuff. Yeah, again, do I have the time?!? Oh, and she wants me to go for one of those 2 hour sugar fasting drink the junky stuff blood draws. Then I'll see her at the end of April. There, that's that update! LOL (What a mouthful, huh?)


Blogger Rebecca said...

wow! lot's of news...thanks for keeping us posted, i haven't gotten to talk to you much latley, so it's great to hear about what's been going on.

i'd love for you, matt, andy and i to hang out sometime...what nights are good for you guys?

Apr 3, 2008, 9:55:00 PM  

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