politics schmolitics
I am not a politician. I could never be a politician. Main reason - I'm a very non-confrontational person. I couldn't emotionally handle the debates and the slandering and the back-stabbing and the constant lies. I'd have to have a really good right-hand man who could remind me which lie I told to whom and when, otherwise I'd forget! I have a hard enough time dealing with patients at work that don't want to update their forms when I ask them to - I can feel a rush of heat thru my body & I feel like I'm about to start shaking! I feel like screaming at them, then bursting into tears!
Matt talked with me this morning about the news of McCain wanting to delay the presidential debate. He wants to go to Washington to work for a bipartisan solution to the horrible economic state our country is in. Obama doesn't want to do that, stating that the next president needs to "deal with more than one thing at once." I know there's more than the financial issue at hand here. I'm not that naive to think otherwise. But still. There is this issue, and it's serious. We all know how much our own financial state is hurting, and we have a picture of how the country is suffering as well. We can see the changes we've been thru in the last several years, and we know it's serious. Change needs to happen. Change for the better must happen. And soon!
So, aside from their own personal angles Obama and McCain are playing during this situations, I've been thinking about what I feel they should do. I can tell you what I would do - I'd go to Washington. I'm saying if I were running, and this situation came up, that's what I'd do. My reason? I can't focus on two major things at once, and that's another reason I'd be a horrible politician! I wouldn't be able to worry about what I need to do to keep my campaign running with fundraising and meetings and interviews and debates and other events. If I knew I could help in any way in Washington with this financial matter, that's where I'd want to be. I'd want to focus all my attention and energy into that. Debates and interviews and such could wait a week or two.
The American people have a clear view by now of the candidates. Personally, I'm getting burned out with the constant commercials and ads and news and such about them. Maybe it's because of that long & dragged-out fight between Obama & Hillary. I was sick of hearing about candidates at that point! Granted, I don't have a clear-cut decision of who I'm voting for yet, but I'll get there. If they both decide to take a little break to go help our country now (not just waiting to see what they'll do when they become President), I'd be happy about that. I'd be happy to see them putting aside their differences, dropping the stupid "Democrat" and "Republican" labels and taking on their "American" label instead - that would make me proud. SHOW me how much you care for me - put your money where your mouth is and DO something now to help us out! Let me see some action, not just words!
*side rant*
Are you tired of the party labels? I sure am. I'm tired of hearing people that vote on an entire party only because it's what the rest of their family does, so they do. What happened to looking at the individual? I've voted for a President from each party before! I voted on who I felt was the best for the job at the time, not who is from which party. I'm tired of feeling that sense of arrogance from people that think the party they support is the best one around, and that if you vote otherwise, you're beneath them. Not as smart as they are. Not as cool as they are. Not as right as they are. What happened to being a united country? Americans, not Democrats or Republicans? I'm tired of it.
*end of side rant*
I didn't intend for this to be such a rant about politics, I just wanted to share my thoughts about this bit of news I heard this morning. There was a joint statement last night where McCain and Obama said our country is facing "a moment of economic crisis," and called for political unity to solve it because "the jobs, savings and the prosperity of the American people are at stake." Both of them said the Bush plan was "flawed." My final thought - let's see some unity. How about the both of you work together with the rest on board to help solve this. The debate can wait. Our financial futures can't.
Well, you know I'm feeling mixed up and down about it too. I've never been as tired of the political bickering as I am this year. I guess because I am in the middle this time and both sides are looking down on me.
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