My current handicap
I've been drinking coffee for more than half of my life, and suddenly I can't make a decent cup to satisfy my needs. How can that happen? How can I wake up one day and not remember how the ground:water ratio is for my taste? I got a new coffeemaker for Christmas from Matt's parents, and that might have a little bit to do with it, but I was doing fine for the first month of using it. Now... blech! I hope this passes soon and my coffeemakin' mojo returns! I miss yummy morning coffee at home!!!

We had some people over Friday morning, and I think I figured out the coffee problem! I put 10 cups of water in the reservoir and when it was done brewing, only 8 1/2 cups showed in the carafe! Some water's getting lost in transition... and that's causing my coffee to taste stronger than I like! Aha! Mystery solved! :)
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