Alien Invasion

They've landed and declared the insides of my body their home! That's the only logical explanation I can think of for the fact that my cold seemed to finally be disappearing, only to kick back in full-force last night! After an entire week! What's up with that?!? Alien torture. That's what it must be! Experimentation on the human system... and I believe this firmly ties in with my mental state of being!

See? They've already started out with checking the digestion tracks of mallards! We should've known it would've only been a matter of time before they moved on to us... to ME!
P.S. I'm giggling the entire time I'm writing this! Only because some people might actually think of something like this seriously! LOL :) Aaaah, time for more meds, Ruth!
I caved in & went to the doctor Tuesday afternoon. Oh, first I had Dr.S. look at my eyes at work Tuesday morning (considering one was glued shut at 5am that day!). Bacterial infection, drops prescribed. The afternoon dr. was one I hadn't seen before (my regular one moved & I just settled w/a sub for the day). I did NOT like her! But long story short, I got the Z-pac of antibiotics, started taking them that night, and am improving some! :) The aliens are still trying to keep hold down there, but I'm getting 'em out... slowly but Shirley! LOL
i'm glad you are gettin some relief! i hope you feel better soon!
thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging comment. we need to get together again! what does your week look like next week?
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