Disgusting! Matt, Kirsten, and I decided to tackle the storage unit we have in the basement here at the apartment. Wow, were we surprised when we got a good look at it. Needless to say, we haven't been there in a while, and it was trashed! Kirsten opened the gate up... with the lock still on! Someone had jammed it open. Boxes were dumped, ripped open, and obviously it looked like things were gone thru. Unfortunately, a lot of water damage was done to some of the boxes as well. We threw away a lot of things, and then packed both cars & headed over to Paul's. That'll be a project for me... going thru them & seeing what's worth keeping and what's just junk.
One GREAT outcome... I found Kirsten's baby book! Finally! And it wasn't damaged at all!!! Hooray!!!

Awww...bummer. Was anything missing???
I don't think anything was. I think whoever was looting around was probably disappointed that they didn't find anything of value. Um, sure, like we'd keep our family heirlooms and gold bars in the basement storage area! Duh! LOL ;)
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