So, how does one really know if they're making the right decision on something or not? My current situation is wondering if we're going to go ahead with Kirsten's nose surgery next week or not. It's set for Tuesday, the 18th. We set this up a little while back, after having two scheduled surgeries postponed on us - due to the hospital canceling on us. (Check out the previous post here for details.) Actually, after that post was made, the hospital rescheduled with us a week or two later. The same thing happened again, but at least that time we got the call the day prior, I believe. Still, it stunk.
I'm just worried about little things like how Matt doesn't have any time off work and I'll have to find someone else to go with me. I like when he's there. I know he wants to be there, but it just doesn't always work out. We don't know his schedule yet (his work weeks start on Tuesday nights), but he might have to work Tuesday into Wednesday, too. He just won't be available like we both wish he could be. This is also her last week of school before break. It's really not a big deal, but it's something.
You know, as I write this all out, I think I'm just worrying for nothing. Maybe I'm just anticipating the hospital calling to cancel again. Maybe I'm looking for a reason to cancel it on our end before they cancel it on theirs. She could go thru this successfully for the first time ever, you know? She could actually begin 2008 with two working nostrils! This could work! I just wish God could audibly tell me what the right decision to make in this would be. Seriously, why can't He?!? LOL I know, He does provide us with a good head on our shoulders. We research all the things with Kirsten. We ask questions. We talk to others about it. We pray about it. And we are open to whatever signs come our way in regards to it. Now we just have to trust the decision we make and go forward without looking back. I know, easier said than done!
Here's a little picture of my Peanut two years ago (7/05) at her 5th birthday party... with the tube from her recent surgery sticking out of her nose... what a trooper...

If you need someone to go with you, let me know and I'm pretty sure I can work something out. I'd love to be there for you that day!!
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