drama for the holidays
Seriously, what would a holiday be without a little drama?!? I can thankfully say we made it thru our Thanksgiving festivities without incident. We enjoyed our dinner at my cousin Becky's place with her hubby & 2 kids & her Nana. It was very nice - the kids played well, the food was delicious, and the company was wonderful, as always! The drama began on the way home... with Kirsten! She was complaining of her tummy hurting, and I thought she just had to poop. When we got home (it was about a 30 minute car ride), we started her bedtime routine. I proceeded to administer her nightly dose of medicine (we put the inside powder of the capsule in some applesauce - she doesn't have the whole pill swallowing art down yet), and she gagged a little on the first spoonful. I made a comment about how I know it's yucky, then I noticed this look in her eyes. You know the one - it's that 2 second warning that something horrible is about to protrude from the depths of their bowels, and there's just not enough seconds left to do anything about it. Yup. Projectile fountain all over me. And I was directly in front of her, and quite close. That was just nasty. Poor girl, she was all upset. I calmed her down, changed her, and we went about the rest of the business, sans meds.
She was fine after that. Nothing else was wrong. Friday we peacefully slept in (aaaah! I was thrilled to experience that!), and then decided to run a few errands around noon. First stop was at my work to get her glasses adjusted. From there we were heading to my in-laws. About 2 miles from their home, it happened again. At this moment, I realized it was a good thing that I'm not the cleanest car keeper in the world. There was plenty of stuff to protect the carpet from the puking she did - twice. Blech! I was able to clean it easily enough at my in-laws, and Kirsten's been fine since then. (I'm wondering if she's developed some reflux again - or if it never fully went away. A gastro appointment in a week will hopefully clear up my questions.)
Dramatic moment number 3 happened this morning. I decided to be kind and let Matt just sleep today, and since I was on the tech schedule for the service at church, I had to leave home by 7:30am - and I took Kirsten with me. Usually she's not too bad while we're working there, but this time she broke a rule. She's not allowed to go outside unless she comes to ask me or Matt first. (I love that she has transition lenses in her glasses - it gives her away when she does sneak out!) Anyway, here I am in the booth, racing to type in some new lyrics to a song we've never done before, and along comes sweet Anthony with Kirsten in his arms, and she's crying. Apparently, she went outside & fell on the cement. Tights were ripped. Blood was definitely an issue on the knee and hand. I will admit, I feel a little guilty that my first thought was one of those "see what happens when you break the rules???" comments. I calmed her down some & we did what we could to fix the situation. In the end, I completed my job in the booth, and she ended up being able to run around again - sans tights - inside!

I guess if that's all the drama we experienced during the Thanksgiving weekend, then I'm quite thankful!
Awww, poor baby! I guess it's good that we decided not to hang out on Friday, huh? Oh, and I would have totally done the whole "see what happens when you don't obey me?" thing. Funny.
Does Reflux ever fully go away? They said it was gone when my daughter hit one but every now and then she still shows signs. *sigh*
poor kid! i hope she is doing better!
have a great day!
p.s...there is a stomach bug going around the area. well, it was a couple of months ago. only 2 of us got it, in my house. me and my baby!
but, this time of year, you never know what grossness is floating around. so hard to keep kids healthy!
oh, the projectile vomit...don't ya just love those?? thankfully my kiddos have only been puky sick once, but they are young so I'm sure I have many, many more days of being covered in vomit in my future. and btw, thank you so much for the kind words you left on my last post. it means more to me than i could ever express. thank you, thank you, thank you
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