unanswered questions
I have some questions. The thought of this began at 4:12am today. Yes, I said 4:12am. There is such a time on the clock, honest, there is! So, at 4:12am today, I heard birds chirping outside. Why? Why would birds be chirping so early? The sun wasn't up. The rule is that they were supposed to be sleeping, like me. Not up. Definitely not chirping. There's no reason to chirp at 4:12am. No reason at all. My friend Marie told me she wants to inject her neighborhood worms with Benadryl to see if that helps at all!
Since I mentioned the birds, I might as well mention the bees. So, my question: why do bees (& wasps & hornets) fly around my car? I especially notice this when I have the windows down & stop at a light. That forces me to roll up the windows, trapping me in the heat-ridden vehicle until the light changes & I can gasp for fresh air in safety from the flying devils. Another time I notice them is in cases like leaving work today - one was flying around my car. I walk one direction, it follows. I go around the car the other way, and it circles opposite, coming back to me. Why? What's the point? Do I have an invisible "Taunt Me!" sign visible only to them?!?
Another question: who has the right of way in this type of turn? I'm talking about the crude drawing below...

Does the car at point A have the right of way, or does the car at point B? Who gets to turn first? (I should say let's assume also that there's a light there. There most usually is.)
I thought I brought this last one up before, but for some reason I can't remember. Must be old age. Anyway, why do school buses stop on railroad tracks? Seems to me that if they look at an oncoming train while they're on the tracks, they'll get hit. I just don't understand that one. Almost like the issue of how seat belts are a law, especially for kids, but school buses don't use them. I think I understand the safety issue. Then again, I was in a pretty bad bus accident when I was a teen, and I almost think seat belts might have helped some of us a little.
That's it! Feel free to chime in if you have any answers to my silly questions! :)
Wow, you're very contemplative today!!
Um .... I have no idea on these things. As for the intersection, whoever has the bitchier driver goes first, you know, the one applying lipstick, talking on her cell, and smacking her kid in the backseat. She goes first, just to get her crazy ass out of your way. :)
If B is coming off of private property A has the right of way. If It's public like a street...B has the right of way.
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