The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

day 1

I think I survived the first day! I didn't get to start out with my devotional, only because I woke up late. I decided to do that at lunchtime instead. I had a sensible breakfast, and made sure to bring carrots and deviled eggs and water to work with me for snacking. For lunch I picked up some soup & milk, and sat in my car to do my devotions and pray while eating. The first main scent of temptation came at that time, though... there's a donut shop around the corner from us, and when I walked out the back door of work, I could smell it! I practically drooled! LOL I did drink a big thing of water (of which I haven't been consuming much water at all for months now), so that was an interesting change. I sometimes thought I wish it was a Coke or Sprite, just for that sweet factor, and I used those moments to say a quick little prayer while working. That was kind of neat!

Another temptation came after work when I went to Kroger. I needed to pick up some more cottage cheese (on a good sale!) and good foods (I even got little pita pockets & some hummus and spinach dip for me & Kirsten!). But shopping after work, when it's time for dinner & I'm hungry - I should've known! I laughed a lot through the store, and had a fun little dialog running with God during my attempts of avoiding the candy & bakery & ice cream isles! (But Bryers was on sale!!!)

I was able to talk with Kirsten about this some tonight. She seemed receptive to the idea, and even a little interested in what I'm doing. I told her that when her sweet snacks run out, I won't be buying any more for a while, that she'll just have to keep eating the fruits for sweets. She said I can buy more in 3 weeks! LOL I guess she did listen to me! :)


Blogger Rebecca said...

Hang in there Ruth. I think you'll feel better spiritually and physically during this fast. I'll do my part by every time I eat something sweet saying a little prayer for you. So, that should keep you pretty much COVERED in prayer! I'm proud of you for trusting God in this part of your life.

If you don't already, take a peek at Lysa TerKeursts blog:

May 27, 2009, 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Rebecca, thank you for the encouraging words! It's funny how now I'm not just seeing this challenge as fasting & praying, but as a way that God is going to help me get healthier. This is something I've always struggled with, and I really feel God is going to use this in so many ways for me! :)

I love that blog you showed me, too! She has some great insights to share... I'll be viewing it often throughout this journey!

May 28, 2009, 10:39:00 AM  

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