My Dream came true during the Cruise!

This is what I was doing during the Dream Cruise 6 years ago... bringing home my little Peanut! It was the Friday night of the Cruise, and it put the worst taste in my mouth about that event. We were finally bringing home our baby from the hospital after over 3 weeks, and all that stupid traffic got in the way! We lived at 14 & Crooks, and the hospital is at 13 & Woodward, only about 2 1/2 miles away. Little did we know it would take us over 1/2 hour to get there, after being redirected all over the place! Needless to say, we were quite ticked off! Also, the days preceeding the weekend held so many things with the Cruise, that traffic often interfered & sometimes caused us to miss her feedings, which were precious and rare times we had to hold her and cuddle with her!
So... you'll never catch me on Woodward enjoying the festivities, but you'll catch me at home with Kirsten, having happy memories of the day she finally came home to us!

Yeah, dream cruise traffic is killer!
Wow, I see why you called her peanut, she was TINY!
wow! she was a super tiny peanut! now she's a not so tiny 6 year old peanut! i have so much fun with her when i work in the kids area on sundays! what a blessing...
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