The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bad things the Archers do!

I was just reading an entertaining article online called "Bad Habits by Sign and How to Correct Them" that clues us into what bad habits our astrological sign indicates we have issues with and how to correct them.

I found mine kinda funny...

"Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Archers have a bad habit of telling the truth. And while these folks have the best intentions, that doesn't take the sting out of comments like, "Gee, those pants make you look fat!" or "Were you drunk when you wrote this report?" The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study. Etiquette books will definitely help!"

Well, I'll agree with that first sentence with 100% certainty! I am a horrible liar and get caught doing so even if it's over something I consider minor. I don't do the things it suggested with honesty, but I do have a habit of offering too much information to people... like with my Mom. I have a bad habit of telling her too much about what's going on, how much I spent on something, etc., and it often bites me in the fanny! You think I'd learn by now!


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