Discrimination (and a strange sensation)

That's what it is. Discrimination. Against age, that is. Why is it that kids are the lucky ones? They get flavors added to their medicines to at least for a moment possibly trick their minds as to what is about to pass thru their lips. Adults? Grown-ups? What do we get? The real stuff. No additives, no preservatives, no artificial flavors. Well, we know for darned sure that the real working ingredients of NyQuil cannot be as toxic as the incandescent color of the substance indicates. So artificial colors are added. Why not flavors? I spent minutes (which seemed like hours, considering my floating head and plugged up ear and majorly congested lungs) (which reminds me, how exactly did I make it from work to the drug store... and then home? how did I make it thru work in the first place? that's where I was today, wasn't I?) reading every bottle of Robitussin looking for some type of flavor. Nothing. Nothing to give me any glimpse of hope that the medication I needed wouldn't hurt as bad going down as the garbage it was about to tackle down there tortured me from within. I stood there in Walgreen's, staring at the colorful packaging of the children's meds, and I felt completely discriminated against. That, and felt like my head was about to detach from my body, floating into the fluorescent lighting above me. I was mad. Yes, and probably a little of that type of mad, too. I sent a little email comment to Wyeth Consumer Healthcare when I got home tonight. Shame on them. I would be very interested to see if they send me a response.
My initial writing was going to be about the word "phlegm" and how interesting I find it (the word, not the glob I think I keep coughing up and yet it somehow keeps returning to haunt me all day), but my attention drifted. Now it's shifted again and is focused on the strangely painful sensation coming from my left ear. I think the sound subtly disappeared about 5 hours ago, but now there's something strange happening. Hmmm. Maybe I should call good 'ol Dr. Sams' office in the morning. That is, if my ear hasn't floated out the window and into Neverland with the rest of my head by then...
I caved. Dr. Sams said I have a severe sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. Office visit copay and 2 rx's later... I finally have meds that will help. Pretty little tasteless pills, too! No more nasty liquids for me... for now, at least!
i'm glad you're on your way to good health! while reading your blog i was reminded of the awesome pink stuff (amoxicillin) we got to take when we were little! yum!
I hear ya Ruth, total discrimination! And mad you should be! GRRRRRR!!1!
Sorry to hear of the infection, please don't greet me on Sunday. Oh, and drink plenty of water, at'll clear it up :)
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