Schlurred Schpeech
Kirsten's been talking a little funny off & on since yesterday. I initially thought she just had a little sore on the corner of her mouth, the kind that feels like a little paper cut & makes you not want to open wide at all. Tonight I found out it was actually a canker sore just inside, and it was getting irritated from rubbing against her top teeth when she spoke and ate. Huh! I didn't know kids could get them. Anyway, I double checked with Dr. Paul (my brother is such a wiz at all things medical), and we had the same idea - have her swish around some warm salt water.

Now, if I had to do this, I'd have the water at the high end of the "warm" scale, more like the temp of a cup of coffee. But for Kirsten, I had it cooler than that. She's not a coffee drinker. Not a hot chocolate drinker or hot anything drinker, so I had to be kind. She did it so well, and even added more salt to it when I left the room! She said it stung some, but was happy because I told her that meant it was helping it heal! What a girl! Hopefully it'll stop bothering her soon. Tuesday is picture day, and she already has a hard enough time with the picture-posing smile. I can only imagine how it'll look if her mouth hurts!

By the way, I was looking up what I could find for some remidies online, and I found one that made me laugh - "...mix equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl Allergy liquid. After it's mixed, you can swish a teaspoonful in your mouth for about 1 minute and then spit it out. If you do this every 4 to 6 hours, your canker sores may hurt less." Um, warm salt water does the same thing, and it's a whole lot cheaper!!!
hope kirsten is doing better. how did picture day turn out?
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