Washing miracle
I can't believe it! This morning I did a load of laundry. What did I find at the END of the entire process? A kleenex - completely intact!

(see inside the red circle)
I seriously can't believe it. With all the tissue we go thru around here with Kirsten's nose problem, I'm pretty good at going thru all the nooks & crannies of the clothes to make sure one doesn't slip past me. And when they do, the mess is horrible, as expected. But this...? Definitely a cool moment for me! And yes, it is a little sad that something like this really excites me so! LOL
By the way... why do busses stop on train tracks & open the doors? I was behind a school bus, observing this ritual, and was really wondering about the safety of it. Does the driver want to see the train that's about to plow into them? Are they giving the kids a quick opportunity to get off & go play on the tracks? Why do they do that?!?
Oh c'mon...you know you just threw that un-shredded Kleenex on there just to mess with our minds!! Impossible that it went thru the wash!!! lol Yeah, it's pretty pathetic that we're even having a conversation about this, isn't it????
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