The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

day 3

Easily distracted. I bought a shirt for Matt that said that on it. I guess I should've picked one up for myself, too, because for some reason I completely forgot that I'm that way, too! Not all the time, mind you, but quite often. Even when I think back to my childhood, I can remember several times where I was attempting to do one thing, and never got around to doing it - something distracted me. Always happened when I was supposed to clean my room (or whatever other job I needed to do). And, of course, my Mom usually caught me off in my own little world, doing whatever it was aside from the task at hand. I had quite a vivid imagination as a child, and I know that played a huge part in my distractions. I would attempt to clean a large area, something small would catch my eye, and there I'd be stuck for an hour, in whatever imaginary world my mind took me and that object to. My Mom & I used to joke around when I was older that she could never ground me as a punishment... she'd have to ground me to the bathroom, yet I'd probably make men out of toilet paper and play war, flushing them down the toilet or something! That was just me! And the cool part is that I see that in Kirsten in a BIG way! (She gets it from her Daddy, too!)

Tonight I wanted to look for a few things for this wedding we're going to Friday evening. I knew I had some shoes packed away somewhere. Did I go to the box in the hall closet labeled "shoes" to look? Nope! I went into my bedroom. There was a box in there that for some reason was intriguing me to look inside. Maybe I was thinking I'd find some jewelry in there that I could use? I have no idea. Anyway, that turned into about 1/2 hour of rummaging. Then I turned my attention to the bathroom. There's still several small boxes in there with all sorts of nail polishes, toiletries, lotions, hair goods, etc., and I wanted to get that a little more organized. Which leads me to another point - not only do I get distracted easily, I'm also a big pack rat! I save WAY too many things! Well, I'm glad when I get in the purging mood, because that's quite helpful! I managed to fill about 1/2 of a big garbage bag full of ponytails and lotions and samples of things and razors and old mini toothpastes - things I really just needed to let go of! And I did it!

I still have another little box to finish up with, so hopefully I won't be much longer. Hmmm... now that I think of it, I believe I started the bathroom project to specifically look for a certain clear nail polish to use tonight! D'oh! LOL And I'll have to remember to at least peek in the shoe box in the hall closet. That's what I wanted to do in the beginning... 2 1/2 hours ago!


Blogger Bunchy said...

LOL...yer so funny. I certainly have days like that, though...where I never get anything done all day, but I start a lot of things!! I miss you!!! xoxo

Jun 24, 2008, 11:12:00 PM  

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