Mommy Smiles
The last few days have been really nutty for us around here, which have contributed to us not getting the right amount of sleep. Yesterday we had to wake up extra early so we could get Kirsten to Matt's parent's place by 7:30 (we had a training conference/seminar to get to by 8:15), and she was there until 4/4:30ish. She was a little fussy in the evening, but we went about our routine of dinner & bath & such & then she was off to bed no later than 8:30. I got up at 6 & woke Kirsten up around 6:15 so she could eat a little breakfast before leaving (we had to be at church by 7:15). After the second service, I got her from her class so she could see my parents (they came to support & check out Paradox). Kirsten kind of got in a whiny/fussy mood quick, and it seemed to start escalating. Soon she was in full-blown melt-down and the only option was for us to leave. Matt still had some things to finish, so we waited in the car (which turned into a good opportunity for her to calm down). I did learn from this that her nutrition is an issue on Sundays... she eats breakfast around 6:15, maybe eats light snacks during church, then doesn't get to eat lunch till we get home around 1/1:30. That's way to long to wait! No wonder she said she was starving! Anyway, we got home, and she proceeded to eat an entire can of spaghettio's w/meatballs! WOW! That was a LOT for her! I let her relax w/some tv while eating, then told her I wanted her to rest a little in her bed. Ya know what? She didn't fight me! And she fell asleep w/in 5 minutes of laying down! It was 2:30 & I had to go wake her up at 5:00! She woke up sweet as can be, and the rest of the evening together was so wonderful! Sweet, happy, wanting to please... she even wanted to surprise me by cleaning her room! I didn't even ask! Talk about miracles! LOL It was just such a nice thing! So... I've learned from this day big-time! I'll be more intentional on making sure she's nourished enough on these crazy days, and I'll have to plan times for her to get some rest when needed. I love my girlie & I feel a little bad that life can get so nutty that she has these meltdowns. But... it's my job to make sure she's okay through them... that we both are... and we're learning! :)

There's my Peanut holding her "Bracelet Bear" (from Children's Hosp. during one of her surgeries) and sleeping like an angel! Adorable! I just love that girl!
Just when I thought she couldn't be any cuter tonight! It's midnight & I heard the toilet flush. She got up on her own to go potty... no calling for me or whining or anything! I grabbed & hugged her & took her back to bed, tucking her in. Told her how proud I was of her & she just was smiling so sweetly... my heart's a big puddle!!! :)
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