the scoop
Hello! I know, I haven't been on here in eons. I keep attempting to, but things keep sidetracking me. You know, things like the obsessive Facebook craze! Anyhoo, I figured I finally had something big enough to push me back into the blogging world, so I hope this keeps the ball rolling again for me!
Tomorrow morning I'm having some surgery done. Nothing major, but then again, I have a tendency to downplay things! Here's my point of view: I have endometriosis (a girl thing, for you boys that might be reading! Google it!). It's on my c-section scar, and it's been slowly getting worse for the past few years or so. I finally realized I should get the lump removed, so it's happening tomorrow. This was the reason I was concerned with being sick last week, knowing the surgery would have to be postponed if I wasn't well in time. I figured if I had to reschedule, it'd take another year or two for me to make it happen! I'll be off work for a week & just laying around, resting up. Anyone got a laptop they'd let me use for a week or two?!? LOL
That's my viewpoint on the matter! Here's what someone else might say about it: I have endometriosis that's been progressively getting worse over the last several years. Every time I have a cycle, the lump becomes extremely painful and grows a little. Removing it has become a necessity. This is not being done laparoscopicly. This will be an invasive procedure and the doctor said I need to take a few weeks or so to recover.
My viewpoint is not to worry too much and freak out over something I can't control. I know God's in control, and things will work out fine. It'll be easier than my c-section (that's what I have to compare it to). The only thing I'm kind of wondering about is how large it is (I'm guessing golf-ball size?), and what if the doctor finds out it's actually something different?!? LOL
Anyway, that's the scoop of what's going on with me at the moment! I'm kind of doubting I'll be online tomorrow, so I'll see if Matt can get on here to do an update in the afternoon when we get home.
Oh, one annoying fact that you women can "ugh!" along with me on is this: the doctor wanted me on my period at the time of surgery. That way the lump is inflamed as much as possible, so she can take that out with some surrounding tissue. So, I took my 10 days worth of meds to start my cycle, and I'm still waiting for it to kick in! Oh, joy. NOT! I bet it'll start as soon as I'm completely relaxed, like Friday night when I'm doped up & sleeping. Talk about adding insult to injury! LOL
One last thing - one of the main reasons I'm sharing this is because I know many of you in my circle of family & friends would want to know. I know you'll be thinking of me & praying for me, and I really appreciate that. It's important to me to know if any of you are having something big going on in your life (I care about the little stuff, too, though!), so how can I expect you to randomly tell me things if I'm not doing the same? You know?!? So, you've been given notice... I expect to get updates from you on things, too! I love you! :)
P.S. If you ran across this & I didn't send you the info personally, I'm sorry! I was emailing around, and realized I didn't want to bug too many people about it! *blushes*