The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sometimes we CAN be creative!

I was catching up on some reading of my friend Doug's blog, and he had a post on there that caught my eye and stirred up some memories. He referred us to this girl that is getting married soon, and she was sharing about the nerves that go into planning a wedding. She was finally able to focus her thoughts into a few questions... "Will anyone remember this the next day? Will I remember this the next day? Or even care the next day?" ...and base her decisions on what those answers turned out to be (like for the seating arrangement or favors). That got me thinking about my wedding. Matt & I didn't have a lot of money to put into it, so we decided to make it personal, unique, and as memorable as possible. Of course, the element of fun had to be there as well! We had our invitations rolled up into scrolls, sealed with wax, and hand delivered by messengers (our friends!) in garb (costume). For the wedding, we rented a monk's robe for our pastor to wear & he said that was the most comfortable wedding he's done! My brother Paul made Matt's boots by hand, and the rest of the guys made their own moccasins to wear. Matt wore a sword & I even had a little dagger strategically hidden in my outfit! We enjoyed ourselves and our company, and apparently it did turn out to be a wedding many people never forgot! I even recently reconnected (via the evil MySpace world) with a friend I hadn't seen in at least 10 years. What did she mention? That she remembered our hand-delivered wedding invites & how neat that was! So, lesson here: it's not all about the money, folks! Just take in advice that others may give you, but in the end, do what YOU want to do... and ENJOY! Oh, and make sure you get to eat your yummy meal, too!

P.S. Today marks the anniversary of our first date! (8/23/92) We went to see "Single White Female" and I think we even held hands! LOL

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Dream came true during the Cruise!


This is what I was doing during the Dream Cruise 6 years ago... bringing home my little Peanut! It was the Friday night of the Cruise, and it put the worst taste in my mouth about that event. We were finally bringing home our baby from the hospital after over 3 weeks, and all that stupid traffic got in the way! We lived at 14 & Crooks, and the hospital is at 13 & Woodward, only about 2 1/2 miles away. Little did we know it would take us over 1/2 hour to get there, after being redirected all over the place! Needless to say, we were quite ticked off! Also, the days preceeding the weekend held so many things with the Cruise, that traffic often interfered & sometimes caused us to miss her feedings, which were precious and rare times we had to hold her and cuddle with her!

So... you'll never catch me on Woodward enjoying the festivities, but you'll catch me at home with Kirsten, having happy memories of the day she finally came home to us! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 11, 2006


Okay, I've got something else to share... I made some scrambled eggs for lunch today, and was looking forward to my yummy meal. My plan was to sit and watch my soap (yes, I'm a guilty party of watching Days!) with my food, and things didn't turn out as planned. Well, the eggs scrambled nicely, but when I went for my finishing garnish, I found it was not there! We were out of ketchup! Ketchup, you say?!? Yes, from the time I can remember, that was the only way I ate my eggs... with a little ketchup. So, I had to pretend to be "normal" and eat my eggs plain.

Do you have any eating habits that other people might consider odd?!?

All about Mel

Yes, to those of you who know me well, you know I've been a lifetime fan of Mel Gibson. Ever since those blue eyes first seemed to pierce my young heart (I believe it was during my first viewing of "Mad Max"), I was hooked. Recently, I've been a bit saddened by the circumstances he's created, and I blogged about it here, on our church's blog. I won't repeat the post here, just direct you to read it there! You'll also notice why I don't post there a whole lot... I tend to take too long & gather too many thoughts & points of reference! It took me a few hours to write that! Of course, that was including breaks to play with Kirsten, call the landlord about our broken sink pipe, clean the bathroom, ...!