The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Friday, May 26, 2006

What's Plaguing Us?

My parents are in their 70's and moved into a new home last year. About a month or so ago their basement flooded, and they had to pay some money to have it snaked out. Now, keep in mind they do not live on any type of pension, only on Social Security. Their funds are very tight. This past Monday morning my Dad called to tell me that Mom had to go to the hospital (ended up being bronchitis and she's doing much better with treatment), and he also said the basement flooded again during the night. He was beginning to worry about the $2800 estimate they were given for some pipe replacement, wondering how they could pay that.

This morning I was talking to my Mom about visiting her. She shared some wonderful news with me... the city had come out & found that the issue is not something my parents have to fix, but rather a city issue! So, they don't have to pay a cent! She's also going to see if they can get the city to reimburse them for the snaking they had done recently.

Anyway, Mom was telling me about what she's been reading lately, which was about the plagues in Egypt. She made the comment about if God can answer their prayers and take care of the Israelites during something so major like that, why do we forget that He will answer our prayers and can help us during more minor things? What is it that keeps us from just talking with Him about our life issues? Do we doubt that He'll actually come thru for us, or are we just too busy to ask? And why is it so easy for us to forget just how MIGHTY our God really is? Even the Israelites, after being delivered from so much, began whining and complaining and completely doubting and forgetting what God had done for them up to that point when they got to the Red Sea. God IS amazingly powerful and can do anything! We need to remind ourselves of that, and remember that He wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives... the Red Seas and the little puddles.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Surprisingly, it still surprises me

I read an article this morning about Natalie Maines of The Dixie Chicks. Remember back in 2003 when she stated how she was ashamed that President Bush was from Texas? She had since apologized for that disrespectful comment, and now she recants that apology, stating, "I don't feel that way anymore. I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever."

Nice. Whatever happened to basic respect in this country? I can see how it is with adults to one another, children to adults, ...anyone to someone in a position of leadership. And the office of the President... that has become something that people constantly poke fun at, joke about, ridicule, trash, ...I'm so frustrated that I can't even think of strong enough words to explain what I'm feeling. You know what I mean. Everyone can see how things have turned thru the years. I can only imagine how much it turns the stomachs of those in the generations above us. Too see the respect just corrode away like it has... it makes me so upset. I thought there used to be consequences for things like what Natalie Maines has done. At one point, wouldn't that have been construed as treason? And now, in the age where we bash our Presidents on SNL, it's okay. It's freedom of speech. It's a "right" we have that no one can deny us.

How about the right of silence? Whatever happened to "If you don't have nothin' nice to say, don't say nothin' at all!" (To loosely quote Thumper from "Bambi" there!) I know our leaders aren't always correct in their judgments and decisions. Heck, as a parent, I know I'm not always right. (Okay, go ahead and print this to show Kirsten when she's 17!) But there HAS to be something more. You don't have to necessarily like everything about the person, you don't even have to like them at all, but there HAS to be a level of respect given. If not, then the position has become some grand joke, and no matter who is in office, it will remain a joke that people will never take seriously. And what is this teaching our children? How are they to differentiate between what's just speaking your mind and what's showing a true lack of respect? If we criticize people so much, isn't that sending a message to the kids that nobody really deserves respect? Where does the line get drawn?

I don't know. I'm so annoyed I lost my train of thought. Maybe I should go chug another cup of coffee... that'll at least divert my thoughts. Now, where's my cup?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A spark of creative flair

My friend Rebecca had a Stampin' Up! party at her home last Friday night, and I was a little surprised that I actually made kind of a cute card while there! I do have a creative flair in me, but the secret perfectionist in me fights that and keeps me from expressing myself all too often. How did it rear it's ugly head that night? Well, by the same thought that keeps me from scrappin' like I'd like to: "It's permanent!" For some reason, the thought of these things not being erasable, no do-overs, seriously freaks me out! But since I realized I had one opportunity to create something nice that night, I drank enough coffee to put my anxiety at bay (it was drowning in my bladder! LOL) and made a pretty card.

There! Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but at least it's done. I overcame my fear for the evening, and that in itself was a giant leap. Now... I wonder if I'll have the strength by the fall to attempt scrapping with some friends? Baby steps, Ruth. Baby steps.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Well, another Mother's Day is approaching it's end. What did I do to celebrate? I embraced the true fashion of Motherhood... stayed home with a sick child! It would've been nice to visit my Mom or Matt's Mom, but... gotta do what'cha gotta do! I was a bit bummed, too, since it was to be my first time working in the nursery at Paradox... I was looking forward to cuddling with some babies! I've been having that little "bug" for some time now, but we know that's all in God's Hands. I'm digressing... where was I?

Oh yeah, my day! Matt went to church & let Kirsten & I just sleep in. That felt good! On his way home he picked up food for us & after eating, I went to the store. Had to stock up on sickie foods: popsicles, jello, juice, applesauce, and more meds. Fun, fun, fun! Got myself some Breyer's Mint Choc. Chip ice cream while there... the low-fat/whatever-it's-now-called kind. Have some weddings coming up, one especially that I'm beginning to freak out over. Anyone have a body I can borrow for a day? Again, I'm straying.

When I got back home, Matt went to bed. Oh, I forgot to mention how he took Kirsten to Hallmark this week & picked up cards & let her pick out a little figurine for me... it's so cute! A little praying figure... faceless, like I prefer... very nice. I ended up having some nice quality time with Kirsten, in spite of her being sick. I decided to use this foot spa I have for the first time today (hmmm... the foot spa can be a new post in itself!), and let Kirsten use it some, too. After I helped her soak her little tootsies for a few, I dried off her feet & rubbed lotion on them, giving a nice little massage while doing so. It was cute... she's got these adorable soft & narrow feet & it felt good to do something neat like that for her! Reminded me immediately of when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. I'm sure their feet weren't quite as pleasant to the touch as Kirsten's were! You know, maybe Jesus was one of those people who can't stand feet... like Matt! (I got NO foot massages while pregnant!) We don't know! But He showed love and servanthood and humility. Anyway, when I was done with Kirsten's feet, I used some lotion on her arms & hands. Then she wanted to do the same to me! I loved it! I'll have to train her how to give great foot & hand rubs & I'll even pay her to do it sometimes in the future! I have a brother-in-law that does that w/his daughter! Good thinking!

I spent a little time today on my MySpace account and added a bunch of pictures related to when Kirsten was born. I guess that was something big on my mind this Mother's Day. Just looking back to see all that God has brought us thru... it's pretty awesome! I have a website at Caring Bridge that I set up last year when Kirsten was going thru a major surgery, and I need to give that an update in the next week or two.

Okay, I can ramble about senseless stuff for the rest of the night, so I'll stop here instead and just wish everyone a...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Playing in the Rain

Rain. Lots of rain. That's what we encountered when we went outside to wait for the bus this morning. Even with a jacket & umbrella, the winds forced the rain so hard that Kirsten's face was soaked. She loves the rain and her cute ducky umbrella, but this was a bit too much for her, so we waited in the car. By the time the bus got there & I was fastening her belt buckle, I realized while she was wet, I was drenched! The bus took off and I had a decision to make... to use my umbrella and run back to the door or to just embrace my state of being and have fun with it. I chose the latter! All too often I dash to where I need to be, dodging as much rain as I can... in fear of getting "messed up" when I'm headed somewhere. When was the last time I actually splashed in a puddle? When was the last time YOU did?
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I folded up my umbrella and let the rain just pour down over me... it was incredible! I jumped in a puddle (which took up most of the sidewalk anyway) and even kicked my flip-flop a few feet away from me. I laughed and I loved it.

I bet God's heart gets so happy when He sees us just enjoying life like that. We know He sends us rain to water the plants and such, but who's to say He doesn't send a particular downpour when He knows we could use the fun?!? Within minutes of me getting back inside, it stopped. Maybe He sent that here just for me to take a moment of being child-like and enjoying it! In that moment, I hadn't a care in the world... no stress, no worries, no fear... just embracing the simple pleasure of playing in the rain.
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When I came back in, Matt laughed a little at how wet I was. I changed, grabbed my morning cup of coffee, sat down, and smiled from my soul. Thank you, Father, for the great morning.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Great... another place to suck my time!

Lovely... I just had to go and create another place to waste my time. Actually, the waste of time is spent creating backgrounds and such. I get so nutty doing that stuff... I can literally sit for hours playing around. Just look at my MySpace account & you can see what I mean! Anyway, this blog was prompted by my church's blog... Paradox. I need to shed my nerves and start posting a little on there soon.

Until we meet again... Ruth