The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kirsten's CT

Yesterday Kirsten had an appointment for a CATscan so her ENT can assess how things are going with her nose. We hit traffic on the way downtown (there was a bad accident on the freeway), got there a little late, had to wait, and before our turn they had to rush in an emergency from the OR. It was after noon before the procedure actually began, and one of the biggest praises was that Kirsten did this WITHOUT MEDS! Last time we had a bad experience with them insisting to try without, Kirsten ended up needing it, and they were mad it was taking them longer & that they needed more staff to help monitor her (I posted about it at the time on our Kirsten page (look in the Journal History on 06.18.05). Anyway, Kirsten did a super job staying still, even though I know she wanted to wiggle! They had her wait like that while they looked at the images (I was in the room with her), and they ended up needing one more photo. They gave her extra prizes for being such an awesome patient, and we went to wait for a copy of the results on disk. Kirsten played sweetly with a little two year old boy that was in for some tests after having a brain tumor removed. She's such a caring girl!

We decided to just keep it a nice family day together. Thankfully, Matt had gone to bed earlier that morning, so he had a little energy to last thru all this. We stopped at Blockbuster on the way home to get a movie for Kirsten, then we went to Big Boy to eat lunch (Kirsten didn't have a thing to eat or drink since about 10:30 the night before... and finally had some lunch at around 2:15!) together. The rest of the day was full of naps, playing, eating, snacking, and just spending some awesome quality family time together!

I take the results to Dr. Madgy, her ENT, in a few weeks. Not sure if we'll actually pursue any surgery at this point, but at least we'll know where we stand. She's got too much dental work she needs fixed first. One battle at a time!

Here's some pictures from yesterday's adventure...
she let her Princess Kitty try first...

she's ready to go...

she laid still with her eyes closed the entire time...

I got to peek at some images thru the window...

And just for fun, here's a copy of one of the images...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Second chances

Yesterday after work I had to run some errands. I took Kirsten along with me, and we were pretty productive. When we got home around 7:00, her attitude started getting quite crabby with me. Quickly, I got annoyed. I was tired from driving around in the heat & really needed to get some dinner in me. I was snapping at her, unfortunately. At one moment I threatened to take away some fun thing she had coming up, and she quickly put the brakes on her attitude and apologized. Then she said something that struck a chord with me. Granted, she's said this before, but for some reason it never hit me like it did yesterday. She asked if she could have another chance - if she could start over. I almost felt like crying at that moment, with all sorts of emotions just flooding through me. What right would I have to dare say "No!" to her at that point? Would that show her unconditional love of a parent? Then, as it has so often happened since becoming a parent, I thought of a different scenario. What if that was me asking my Heavenly Father for another chance? Would he tell me "No!"? Or would He embrace me, His precious daughter, and lovingly tell me "Sure!"? That's what was in the forefront of my mind as I hugged Kirsten and told her that she can most definitely start over with a happy attitude! I want my daughter to know that even though she should do things right the first time around, she can make mistakes and I'll be there to love her through it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's over

That's Kirsten today with Mrs. Freeman, her Kindergarten teacher. Today was the end of an era. Well, it was the end of 1/2 days of school for Kirsten. I really didn't think this would effect me like it has. I mean, Kirsten started school when she was 3 (turned 3 on July 26, started school a month later). She attended ECDD (Early Childhood Developmental Delay program - they had the PT, OT, & Speech she needed) classes & right off the bat went five 1/2 days every week. The hardest part of that was seeing this tiny little girl hop up on the big school bus!

But she did it with excitement & it was amazing to see her learn and grow so much in that first year alone! Two years of those classes,

one year of DK (Developmental Kindergarten),

and then this year was Kindergarten.

I was thinking this would be like the end of every other year. But boy, was I wrong. Today we celebrated these kids. Matt & I celebrated our daughter. We're remembering the little girl who couldn't speak well, who was so behind other kids her age. And we're seeing the girl that God has been helping her become. She's a girl who can count, she can read a few words and sound out more. She loves to read and she's eager for the time when she can read by herself. She loves to make her own lunches and help make mine. She wants to do everything we let her - and more! She wants to keep learning... and it's so wonderfully amazing to see! She's excited for first grade and almost can't wait to begin!

The fall holds new challenges for us. Will she adjust okay to the full days of school? Will she eat what I make her for lunch? Will she be able to stay focused and sit still for longer periods of time now? Will she have meltdowns there if she's over-stressed? Will I be okay? Will I miss my Peanut's company for lunch? It's over. She won't be at home as much as she has been in the past almost 7 years. She's growing, and this is our first big step towards her independence I suppose. I'm so proud of my little Peanut. She's come such a long way, and she's raring to just keep charging on. And we'll be behind her all the way, with my kleenex in my pocket to secretly catch those happy tears!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Something has got to change

Okay, I'll admit I followed some of the news reports about Paris Hilton this week. I watched when I was home, but I didn't purposely seek out information online or on the television. I was interested to hear about why she was released ... and why the Sheriff wasn't taken into custody for deliberately disobeying the Judge's orders. I'm really interested to hear what this big "medical condition" is that warrants special privileges for Paris. It must be something that no other prisoner has ever experienced, you know, for them to consider her imprisonment such a danger with her health... poor Paris! (Yes, sarcasm is dripping thick here!)

I do feel a little bad for her. Honestly, who couldn't? Not for the celebrity Paris, but for the girl Paris - I'd be scared to death if I had to go to prison, so why wouldn't I show some compassion for someone else going under these circumstances (meaning she's not a rough & tough cold-blooded murderer, just someone who constantly makes bad decisions)? Yes, she does deserve a jail sentence. There are laws and she broke them. And broke them. And broke them.

THAT is what I have a huge problem with here. Media members rushing the Sheriff's car during Paris's ordeal. Media following on foot and in vehicles and in helicopters as the officials transport Paris. On yesterday, they said this about the paparazzi: "A few weeks ago, it was only a few guys with cameras. Now Paris Hilton's pad is under constant surveillance from just about every major media network on the planet! Chaos in West Hollywood! No fewer than five news choppers are circling the skies, an armada of news vans lines the streets, while platoons of camera-wielding photogs stand at the gates of the where Paris is currently holed up -- waiting for the L.A. Sheriff's Dept. to escort the ankle-braceleted heiress back to court -- where she might be told that her get outta jail free card has been revoked." Can you believe that? NO FEWER THAN FIVE NEWS CHOPPERS are circling the skies above her home? Um... shouldn't there be some type of law against that? What about the potential danger that poses to everyone below? Could you just imagine... what if someone was too busy looking for a Paris sighting and fumbled the controls, launching their chopper into one nearby? And with the tons of media personnel below...? That's scary. I even heard one news reporter liken this to the "Bronco chase" from the O.J. Simpson trial... come on!

I really feel this need for news needs some serious laws. Laws against stalking the celebrities like they do. Laws against having multiple choppers hovering over their homes. Laws against being too close to the authorities' vehicles. Laws... just laws! There needs to be some rules to help protect everyone involved, including the obsessed paparazzi literally willing to die to be the one with the first hot photo of the subject in pursuit. This has gotten so way out of hand. Something really has got to change.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Grillin' queens!

On Memorial Day, we had the fun opportunity to join some family at my Aunt & Uncle's house for a BBQ. My Aunt was busy with some things, and my cousin Becky & I asked how we could help. Aunt Pam asked if we'd take over the grill... neither of us had ever touched one! But we rose to the challenge, braved the smoke, and grilled our hearts out! That food never stood a chance with Becky & Ruth at the flipper! (Well, couldn't say "at the wheel"!) Now that we know we can do it, maybe we'll tackle the challenge again someday... at the start of the grilling process!?! SISU!

And look... they even have books, just for us grillin' chicks! LOL

P.S. Yes, the food was thoroughly cooked and not scorched! Very yummy!