The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What do you think?

Do you think that every dream has a meaning? Many people believe that your dreams are telling you something, or that they are your subconscious thoughts surfacing. I can understand that some. And I understand that sometimes it's just a matter of what you're feeding your mind with as to what might come out in the dreams (the ones you remember, at least). But what about the bizarre ones? Or the horrible ones? A few weeks ago I had one about Kirsten getting kidnapped, and her arm was cut in the process. Seemed as real as anything, and I woke up so horribly saddened (felt as if it was to my core). A few days back I had one about Matt having an affair. I was crying so hard in my dream that I wouldn't have been surprised if I woke up in a pile of tears. Or what about the ones where I'm being chased, and I can almost literally feel the bullet piercing my shoulder blade? How about the ones where I'm flying? Or I'm a vampire? (Well, maybe that's a secret desire! LOL) What do those mean? Does every dream have a meaning?

What do you think?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Schlurred Schpeech

Kirsten's been talking a little funny off & on since yesterday. I initially thought she just had a little sore on the corner of her mouth, the kind that feels like a little paper cut & makes you not want to open wide at all. Tonight I found out it was actually a canker sore just inside, and it was getting irritated from rubbing against her top teeth when she spoke and ate. Huh! I didn't know kids could get them. Anyway, I double checked with Dr. Paul (my brother is such a wiz at all things medical), and we had the same idea - have her swish around some warm salt water.

Now, if I had to do this, I'd have the water at the high end of the "warm" scale, more like the temp of a cup of coffee. But for Kirsten, I had it cooler than that. She's not a coffee drinker. Not a hot chocolate drinker or hot anything drinker, so I had to be kind. She did it so well, and even added more salt to it when I left the room! She said it stung some, but was happy because I told her that meant it was helping it heal! What a girl! Hopefully it'll stop bothering her soon. Tuesday is picture day, and she already has a hard enough time with the picture-posing smile. I can only imagine how it'll look if her mouth hurts!

By the way, I was looking up what I could find for some remidies online, and I found one that made me laugh - "...mix equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl Allergy liquid. After it's mixed, you can swish a teaspoonful in your mouth for about 1 minute and then spit it out. If you do this every 4 to 6 hours, your canker sores may hurt less." Um, warm salt water does the same thing, and it's a whole lot cheaper!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I question myself as to whether I should feel bad about my initial thoughts about today. The first thing that comes into my mind when "9/11" is brought up (or gets here on the calendar) is my daughter's first surgery. I posted about it last year on this day, so I won't go into the details again. It was just a monumental event in our lives, so that's honestly the first thing I think about. Then my mind goes to how I found out about the attack on the country, the images come to mind that we saw, and I remember the rest of the day as we reacted & recovered at home from the surgery and the attack. I didn't personally know anyone that died or was injured or was even near the danger that day, but I have personally known men in the military that have been serving our country overseas. My close friend's husband, Doug, was over in Iraq for quite a while. My sister's brother-in-law, Brian, was overseas. Now my niece's husband, Ken, is over there. I don't have anything profound to say about today, that's for sure. I guess I just need to remind myself to keep these people in my thoughts & prayers more often than just on the day we as a country think of them. That's all.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

It's finally OVER!

So over that I fell asleep on the couch, leaning against Kirsten at 9:30 tonight! Yesterday, the boys (Matt & Bob) did some major hauling back & forth of the rest of our things while I stayed at the apartment packing stuff and Kirsten was playing at her buddy Sal's house (for SIX hours!). Today, I went with Kirsten to get the final things, take out the rest of the trash, and vacuum up the place. Oh, we managed to go back into the dark caverns of the basement storage area. Did I tell you how we found some major damage to our things? Well, today I found that two plastic containers full of beanie babies were in the cage next to ours... MY beanie babies! It took about an hour, but Kirsten's skinny long arms & my ability to maneuver a makeshift stick to push them into her reach while I was standing on a chair enabled us to get ALL of them back! Of course, we couldn't get the plastic totes out, but whoever stole them from us will be in for quite a surprise when they find the totes empty, without a single stuffed duck or dolphin in sight! Teamwork! Woo-hoo!

I am SO ready to crash now! My poor little feet are severely yelling at me, almost audibly even, so I think I'll actually be in bed before midnight gets here. Can't even tell you the last time I've done that!