wordless wednesday - stars w/o makeup - some are natural beauties, and some, well, let's just say they do better with the wonders of Hollywood's help!
Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively
synonym : PONDER
There's something on my mind, yesterday especially, that I want to write about. It's just some parenting struggles and I'd really like to ask for some advice. Last night, I had every intention of blogging about it. But as I was sitting at the computer, looking at the clock inching towards 11pm, I suddenly had a craving for some ice cream. Edy's Slow-Churned Strawberry. It's half the fat - does that mean I can eat twice as much? The craving overpowered the other thoughts in my mind, and I scooped up a bowl, curled up in bed, and watched some meaningless tv until the ice cream was gone. It was nice. It sent me off into peaceful slumber. That slumber was interrupted at around 1:30am when Kirsten came in and asked if she could sleep with me. Of course I said yes to my little sweetie. Funny thing - she woke me up twice (or was it 3 times? I forget now!) to ask me to be quieter... I was snoring too loud & kept waking her up! And here I thought I wasn't sleeping well (I seem to wake up often when she's in bed with me)! Sorry, Peanut!
Since the arrival of my visitor last Friday, I've pretty much been out of the loop on my normal day-to-day activities. I was looking forward to catching up on some things this week. I should know better. Procrastination never seems to work out for me! Tuesday, my normal day off, I ended up working to help cover someone's shift (my friend's father passed away Saturday, so she's off this week). I did end up hitting the grocery store on my way home, doing 2 loads of laundry, cleaning fruits & veggies (which I always prolong... and often waste because they go bad while waiting for my attention!), and making a new recipe for dinner (it turned out yummy!). So, even though I wasn't home all day, I was still quite productive. But I was looking forward to today, Thursday, to hit Curves again. No such thing. Kirsten stayed home sick today. Bummer. She'd been coughing for a few days & had been running a low fever since Tuesday. So, no running errands like I wanted to. No exercise like I was planning to. No cleaning around the house like I was hoping to. I decided to finally stop moping for the loss of my morning, and to spend a little quality time with my girl (amongst the small crabby tantrums she threw, of course! gotta love the over-emotional sick girl!). We played, read, and had a nice lunch together. Now it's time for me to get ready & head off to work. Daddy gets the second shift of the day with her, and she's already got a few things lined up to do with him! I guess I gotta remember to just make the best of the situation... roll with it, interruptions and all!
Okay, I know to many, this may not seem like something at all worth celebrating, but to me it is... I finally started my period today! In the pursuit to better health, I realized I needed to get this induced. I mean, it's only been since September since the last one... not healthy! I started the 10 days of meds last Sunday and have been impatiently waiting for it's arrival. It came this morning, in all it's crampy glory! So, I'm skipping Curves and planning on eating as much junk food as I so desire today. But I'll be doing it with joyful heart... and painful nether-regions! :)
Matt returned to the doctor this morning for one final follow-up on his recent mess of illnesses (mostly the pneumonia). Seems that he's all clear & healed up. Well, everything except his ribs, that is. What, you ask?!? He apparently cracked a rib from all the coughing he was doing while sick! That explains the pain in his chest at least!
Time for a few updates on what's happening in our little corner of the world!