The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Friday, March 28, 2008

gimme shelter

Last fall, just before school started, Matt & I decided to move out of the apartment we were living in. A lot of changes were going on there due to a new owner, and we had a strong feeling that we needed to get out of there. My brother Paul was kind enough to take us in, so we moved into his house just shortly before Kirsten started first grade. A few months later, I drove by our old apartment. It looked completely vacant. It seems they made everyone leave so that they could work on rennovating the place. So, we made a good decision to leave when we did, before they forced us out.

The plan now is to move after school ends in June. The dilemna is where to go. Do we try another apartment? Or condo? Or a house?

1. Apartment: Matt thinks I'm hesitant because of bad experiences we've had. The last place we were at (for over 3 years) had a history of never fixing problems, and I didn't quite feel safe there, in spite of the fact that it was only 1/2 mile away from the city's police headquarters. Matt feels there's plenty of other places out there that are cleaner & safer & all-around better. The biggest hesitation I have with renting an apartment is fearing that we'll get stuck. One year could quickly turn into three, then five, then ten, then that's it. I don't want that. I want a yard. I want a dog again someday!

2. Condo: Rent or buy? There's association fees that would add to the monthly cost. Condos do have the benefit of giving us more of a home-like feel than an apartment would, but I think the cost might be too high.

3. House: Renting a house doesn't look all that possible. I haven't found many that would be in our price range. Buying brings the fear of hidden problems. What if we move in and suddenly the furnace breaks? Or the roof leaks?

With whatever decision we make, I would really like us to stay in the same school district that we're in now. I really like it. Kirsten's been here for 4 of her 5 school years (yes, she started at 3 yrs.old! but she needed it & really benefited from it!), and they've had some excellent programs that she's been a part of. Part of me is leaning toward renting something for another year. That would give us a little more time to save, and work on knocking our debt down more (mostly all medical bills).

We meet with our mortgage guy again on Tuesday. Hopefully, whatever he goes over with us can give us a clearer picture of which route to pursue. I just can't wait to have our own place again. I miss having company over. I want to let Kirsten have friends over - even sleepovers sometimes. I miss having our photos out in the living room. I miss burning candles. I miss dancing around to fun music with Kirsten. Soon enough.

Any thoughts or opinions?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

there's something to be said for spontaneity

The way things have been working out, it looks like when last-minute plans are made, those are the ones that seem to happen (more often than ones that are attempted to be planned ahead). For instance, there's a few friends that I've been trying to hang out with for a month or two now, and it seems like every time we come up with a mutual working date, something comes up last-minute that prevents us getting together. Maybe I should try with them what I've tried with a few other girlfriends lately. A few weeks ago I called my sister & we were able to hook up the next evening. This week I called my friend Vickie on Monday and we made plans for Tuesday. That morning, I called our friend Michelle and she was able to meet up with us. Then yesterday, my friend Karen commented on my blog. It was the post about the broken window. She joked that it sounds like an issue that required some sangria medicine! I figured, "Hey, why not?!?" and sent her a message. We ended up getting together last night!

We tried a new spot - Ruby Tuesday. The martinis were delicious, well received by us, and we split a yummy dessert!

I think I'll have to continue trying this last-minute planning - it seems to be working!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

bad bunny

This is what the Easter Bunny brought Kirsten...

This is what he brought me & Matt...


Alright, so maybe that wasn't from the Easter Bunny! Some punks have been vandalizing some cars in the neighborhoods, and sometime during the night/early morning they hit ours and one a few houses from us. The police were called, a report was made, and we were left to clean up the mess.

Matt did an excellent job of covering the window...

We were a bit late getting to our family Easter celebration, but thankfully they were patient in waiting for us to finish fixing this mess. Our brother-in-law is helping find a new window for us, and hopefully we'll get that in this week sometime.

I wonder if I leave out some carrots next year, will the Bunny be nice to us again?!? ;)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

we've been hit... part 2

The quiet didn't last very long after I saved that last post. Within minutes, Matt came out of the bedroom, concerned about something. He'd been coughing more, and is now having some production to the cough, but there was quite a bit of red in it. I debated about what to do, ended up calling the doctor's office (where he went Friday), and they wanted him to come in, just in case. Well, examination & x-ray & questions led to the diagnosis - he has pneumonia. Yup, pneumonia, on top of (or overlapping slightly with) the influenza b. Great. His fever's still in the 102 range... been like that since Saturday night at the hospital. Poor guy. No wonder he's hurting all over so badly. They gave him a shot of antibiotics in the fanny and a few scripts. The doctor wants to see him again tomorrow. I hope he's feeling well enough to drive by then because I'll be at work, unfortunately. If he doesn't improve in the next day or so, then he'll have to be hospitalized. At least it's something we can put our finger on. Now he knows it's just not in his head. We've been doing everything at home that we were supposed to. Now we can treat this new diagnosis and hopefully he can start feeling some relief by this evening. That's what I'm praying for. That, and the rest of us not getting it (even though Paul unfortunately has something now).


"Calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled"... that's the definition of serene. Doesn't that just sound amazing?!? I'm in a moment of that right now. Kirsten's off to school, the rest of the household is in bed, the lights are off, the TV is off, my coffee's by my side, my jammies are still on, and the only sounds I hear are that of my keyboard (I really would love to find a quiet one!) and the birds chirping outside.


These are the moments I love! Moments I can just think. No interruptions. Just my thoughts.

Which brings up a question I have for you. It may be a strange question, but it's the one that popped into my head, nevertheless! Do you set your alarm clock to go off on the hour? I guess I can best explain it by telling you what I do. If I know I should get up at 7:00, I set my alarm for 7:01. If I should get up before 6:30, I set it for 6:24. I set it for weird times like that. Always have. 7:41. 8:17. 6:01. Maybe it's because I somehow subconsciously feel I'm getting more sleep by having it one minute past the hour? I don't know, but I notice that I've always done this! So, I'm just putting this out there and asking if anyone else has a weird time thing like I do with alarms?!?

It's a rainy day. The kind where I normally would've gone back to sleep. But I absolutely cherish this quiet time I've got going on here! Soon enough others will be up. Lights will come on. The television will be turned on. Noise and distractions will set in. Soon. But for this brief moment, I can think. I can read. I can hear the words that I'm reading. I can process thoughts. I love it.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

we've been hit!

It's official. Influenza B has invaded our home. Well, more like it's invaded my husband! Matt is officially illin'... big time! It started earlier in the week with coughs & a fever. The aches & pains started next & knocked him out of work Thursday night. Friday he went to see the doctor & was told it was probably just a virus. He decided to try working thru it Friday night, which turned out to be pretty rough. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat somewhere when I know the baker/chef is sick. (He's a baker - works midnights.) The idea of massive coughing attacks & fevers around my cheese bagel just doesn't sound appealing! Saturday it was out of control for him. The pain in his body & throat just became too rough, even for my tough hubby to handle. Alternating Tylenol & Motrin every 4-6 hours for the past few days just wasn't doing it. It was time for some outside assistance. We dropped Kirsten off at my Mom's and headed to the hospital. We arrived at 8:30pm and were checked in pretty fast. This was definitely a different experience for us... in the past we've only dealt with him taking me to the hospital (gall bladder & then pregnancy emergency), or us taking Kirsten back after a problem with one of her nose surgeries. This was the first time I was taking Matt in for something. Anyway, they moved us along fast, which was nice. Matt was just so looking for some relief from the extreme pain he was in. His temp was 102.8 and they said his pulse was running pretty high. By the time we left around 10:30, his temp was still about the same (102.7), but at least he had a bag and a half of IV fluids and some meds. Unfortunately, they only gave him some Tylenol & Motrin, which didn't really help the pain for him. Poor honey! He had the chills pretty bad and was bundling up as much as possible. The doctor explained that with this flu, he should try just wearing a t-shirt & boxers at home, not over-bundling which would keep the fever higher. I asked if he could return to work & she pretty much said no way. She said this lasts 7-10 days, his fever might still continue 2 or 3 more days, and the rest should start subsiding some after that (but the aches & fatigue will linger longest). She said he's still quite contagious, but we've most likely all been exposed already to it. I looked up a few sites online (here andhere) that pretty much confirmed how it's already been out there for us to catch. I think Paul might have caught some of it, but I'm hoping & praying Kirsten & I haven't. (I think we just have small colds so far.) Anyway, we found out that Kirsten threw up at my Mom's house while we were at the hospital... sorry Mom! Today we figured out that maybe it was just from too much stimulation. Too much partying that day, to be honest! I took her to my friend Maggie's baby shower with me for a little bit, and then I took her from there right to her schoolmate Brittney's birthday party. Too much excitement, perhaps? Like I said, I think Kirsten & I are just fighting off colds, and Paul's fighting a fever & body aches. I can't wait for nice enough weather that will let us open up some windows & air out this sick house!

Oh, I forgot to tell a funny part of our night in the ER... Matt was having issues with being very cold (chills). He was given a little blanket, which he doubled up and wrapped around his upper body. I ended up using my coat to help cover his legs & feet. A hospital employee came in to stock something, and he looked at Matt. This was a large, burly man with a heavy accent (Slovic, maybe?), and very friendly. He asked Matt what happened to him - was he attacked by a guy with a hook or one with a wooden leg? We were a little puzzled, then realized he was looking at Matt's skull cap... there was a skull & crossbone patch on it! He asked if Matt needed anything, and Matt asked for another blanket. The man said, "Anything for you, my Pirate Captain!" He quickly came back with 2 large, very warm blankets! .

Oh, and one other not-so-funny (slightly disturbing to me) thing that happened... the doctor asked if I was Matt's MOM!!! I thought she was joking, but I don't think she was! Maybe it's because I was doing all the talking for him (his throat was hurting too much)? Or maybe it's because with the skull cap on & the way he was bundled up, she mistook him for being in his late teens? I mean, I could feasibly have a 17 year old... but I think I'll stop right there, that thought's making me sick to my stomach! LOL (Do I really look that much older than him?!? Ugh!)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

wordless wednesday - another amazing snow creation I saw

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

her cute little nose

We had a follow-up yesterday morning with Kirsten's ENT about her nose. The verdict? It's all good! It looks clear enough - it's still staying open! He said to continue the Veramyst spray in both nostrils once a day until we go back to see him in June. That'll help keep any infection/inflammation at bay, especially during allergy season (she hasn't had allergy problems yet).

This is really a bit odd. I mean, I know her nostril is open, but it's almost as if I'm waiting for the usual verdict to return of it closing back up. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that it's okay! It's just been such a long, long road to get here, and it feels odd that it's over. Does that make sense? Eleven surgeries/procedures, numerous tests, a billion doctor visits... and it's finally over. (In case you're a little lost on her history, read the past journal entries here.) Granted, her nostril opening doesn't let a ton of air through, but that's because she has a deviated septum that leans that way. *** Isn't it so cool how God worked that out?!? He had it leaning that way, so the nostril she's been using for the past 7 years has been the one with the biggest opening! Too cool! We'll just deal with that when she's older, if it becomes an issue.

Anyway, here's a pic of my little cutie being silly at the office yesterday...

*** And on the Curves front - today was my chance to go back, and I decided to nap instead. Well, I did help push a stuck vehicle out of the snow Sunday night, and one that ran out of gas yesterday... can I count that as my workout?!?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

the prodigal daughter returns

It really is ridiculous how many excuses we come up with for not doing something we know we should be, isn't it? I've been a member of Curves for almost 2 years now, and I'd be embarrassed to admit how many times I've actually been in there. Granted, when I first signed up, I was going more regularly. I think that's because I had a partner to work out with. She wasn't able to continue, then my excuses kicked in for why I wasn't going. Oh, I was still paying the monthly fee all along. Many times I thought of cancelling my membership, but I knew if I did, I'd never sign back up. Now, I'm not a big complainer (at least to my knowledge I'm not) of my weight. I know I'm fat. No questions there. I know I need to lose weight and get healthier. I'm definitely not in the dark about it. I know what I need to do, but actually doing it is another story. I'm just like most others - my own worst enemy. I won't complain about it out loud, but numerous times a week I'm beating myself up inside about not changing. So, for today, I'm changing. I'm tired of not feeling like I look good. I'm tired of all my "someday" thoughts. Well, what if there isn't a someday? Today is the day, and I'm making a change. I went back to Curves!!!

There I am, after my workout, red and tired and the sun's beating in my face! But I wanted to show myself that I actually could get my fanny there, so I can look back and motivate myself to do it again. I'm making a change! (Well, at least for today!) Now the challenge comes in for the rest of my day - not eating more junk, feeling justified for my morning workout!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

wordless wednesday - cool celebrities: Heidi & Seal spending his 45th bday w/the family at Disneyland!