The Musings of Ruth

Main Entry: muse
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'myüz
Form(s): mused ; mus·ing
1 : to become absorbed in thought ; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
2 : to think or say reflectively synonym : PONDER

Monday, October 30, 2006

Start counting!

I was reading thru some of my FlyLady emails this morning, and someone had written the phrase "count your many blessings" in one of them. Immediately, that old hymn popped in my head & I'm still singing it! So... that got me thinking... I know I've sung that song & quoted the phrase about counting my blessings, but when have I actually DONE that?!? You know, taken the time to perhaps write a few down?!? How about now!!!

Here's some of my blessings that I see at the moment: the sun is shining and it's warm enough that Kirsten didn't need her gloves today - the yummy cup of coffee sitting on my desk right now - a job that I can go to later this afternoon that I actually enjoy - family that moved up from Ohio recently that I get to see tomorrow (the kids get to go trick or treating for the first time together, too!) - relationships with some of my nieces & nephews that truly make my heart happy - a husband that not only continues to tolerate me after 11 1/2 yrs.of marriage, but actually loves me still, in spite of all my shortcomings - the opportunity God gave me to be a part of our new church, Paradox, where I can serve in ways that are new to me and that are helping me grow (spiritually, intellectually, and relationally) - new friendships that have been forming - older friendships that remain solid, in spite of everyone's busy lives - the roof over my head and the heat in here - running water (in this crappy apt., every little thing's a blessing! LOL) - this crappy apartment! (hey, it's home!) - my parents still alive & well & engaging in our relationships with them - my daughter having all her grandparents still (I dind't at her age) - my Peanut.

I could go on, of course, but I'll let YOU! If you're reading this post, take a few moments to think of what some of your blessings are right at this second! Then post some in the comment area, please!!! :) And be encouraged! I guess often we don't see the good things in our lives until we take a moment to really SEE them!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Mascots at work

This little fellow may seem harmless, and initally they started out as so. Then the nuisance really began when one day I could barely get into the back door at work without using my purse to fling off dozens of these buggers. What are these creatures? Box elder bugs. They feed on boxelder trees, which just so happen to be directly behind our parking lot. I took these next photos last month, when the weather was still warm enough to attract them. Are they on any other back door of the plaza? Nope! Just ours!

I read an article about them that stated "On warm days during winter and early spring, box elder bugs sometimes appear on light painted surfaces outdoors on the south and west sides of the house, resting in the sun." Our back wall is light yellow, and it faces south. Lucky us.

Now that it's cold out, the bugs are dying off, but many have made their way into our office. Eeeew! Today I was even laughing at one... it was on a counter, and when I was walking past it, it seemed as if it was watching my every move, moving along with me, never turning it's back to me! They must know... they know we're killing them off as fast as we can inside! Yet they keep taunting us... always popping up around the place. I just wish they'd all hibernate and go away. I'm done with them! Oh, and like my friend Marie said, there's no way I'd eat at the restaurant next door... knowing how many of these bugs we get in our place, you just KNOW they've got to have a few in theirs! Blech! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mommy Smiles

The last few days have been really nutty for us around here, which have contributed to us not getting the right amount of sleep. Yesterday we had to wake up extra early so we could get Kirsten to Matt's parent's place by 7:30 (we had a training conference/seminar to get to by 8:15), and she was there until 4/4:30ish. She was a little fussy in the evening, but we went about our routine of dinner & bath & such & then she was off to bed no later than 8:30. I got up at 6 & woke Kirsten up around 6:15 so she could eat a little breakfast before leaving (we had to be at church by 7:15). After the second service, I got her from her class so she could see my parents (they came to support & check out Paradox). Kirsten kind of got in a whiny/fussy mood quick, and it seemed to start escalating. Soon she was in full-blown melt-down and the only option was for us to leave. Matt still had some things to finish, so we waited in the car (which turned into a good opportunity for her to calm down). I did learn from this that her nutrition is an issue on Sundays... she eats breakfast around 6:15, maybe eats light snacks during church, then doesn't get to eat lunch till we get home around 1/1:30. That's way to long to wait! No wonder she said she was starving! Anyway, we got home, and she proceeded to eat an entire can of spaghettio's w/meatballs! WOW! That was a LOT for her! I let her relax w/some tv while eating, then told her I wanted her to rest a little in her bed. Ya know what? She didn't fight me! And she fell asleep w/in 5 minutes of laying down! It was 2:30 & I had to go wake her up at 5:00! She woke up sweet as can be, and the rest of the evening together was so wonderful! Sweet, happy, wanting to please... she even wanted to surprise me by cleaning her room! I didn't even ask! Talk about miracles! LOL It was just such a nice thing! So... I've learned from this day big-time! I'll be more intentional on making sure she's nourished enough on these crazy days, and I'll have to plan times for her to get some rest when needed. I love my girlie & I feel a little bad that life can get so nutty that she has these meltdowns. But... it's my job to make sure she's okay through them... that we both are... and we're learning! :)

There's my Peanut holding her "Bracelet Bear" (from Children's Hosp. during one of her surgeries) and sleeping like an angel! Adorable! I just love that girl!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Silly Urges

I went to a gas station the other night after work... one that I'd never been to before. As I was walking up to pay the attendant, I had this weird sudden urge to do something completely silly... talk with an accent! I probably would've if I thought I could pull of a consistent one and keep my conversation short & to the point. But it was a fun thought... to totally pretend I'm from somewhere completely different to a total stranger! That guy wouldn't have known! He'd have no clue! (Unless I was as bad with it as I think I might be! LOL) So... if you want a fun experiment, do this! And then PLEASE let me know! :) Maybe I'll try it the next time!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's talking, but I've been ignoring!

My body has been trying to tell me in subtle ways that I need to catch up on sleep... or rather that I need to start getting to bed at a more reasonable hour. I'd say midnight could be a feasible goal for me, but for some reason I just get busy catching up on shows or doing some things online or straightening up around the place... and before I know it the clock's reading 1:30 am! So, last night my body gave me a clear picture of what I've been doing. I'm talking CRYSTAL clear! I was watching something I had taped earlier, and didn't realize I fell asleep. Matt waltzes in the door after work (maybe 6am-ish?) and I hear the door, jerking my head up. Was I laying down? Oh no! I was in a completely upright position, with my head plopped to the side (or down, I can't remember)! Again, I fell asleep like an old man!!! I think I mustered something to Matt about not being able to sleep so I came out to watch a little TV. He didn't even bother correcting me... he just watched me stumble like a drunken sailor to the bedroom! LOL So... I think I'll set my goal at midnight for the rest of the week! I don't want a repeat of last night! (Mind you, this is the second time in the past few months that I did this, too! LOL)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yes, I finally saw The Notebook!

I know, you're asking what took me so long, aren't you?!? Well, for some reason it just didn't seem that interesting to me at first. I thought it was just another typical romance movie, and I really have to be in the right frame of mind to see one of those. When my good friend Karen found out I'd never seen this great film, she proceeded to make sure she DVR'd it & saved it for us to watch it together. This past Saturday was that night! What did I think of it? The crying sure made me sleep good that night! LOL It was funny... I'd get frustrated about things & ask Karen if they were going to do something about whatever it is I was riled up about... and she'd just patiently tell me to keep watching! It was GOOD! Of course, James Garner always makes me think of my Daddy, so that got me a bit more emotionally attached to the movie! So go ahead... say "I told you so!"... I enjoyed it! :)

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I love this scene!

What do you see
You people gazing at me
You see a doll on a music box
That's wound by a key
How can you tell
I'm under a spell
I'm waiting for love's first kiss
You cannot see
How much I long to be free
Turning around on this music box
That's wound by a key
I'm turning around and around

What do you see
(Truly Scrumptious)
You people gazing at me
(you're truly truly scrumptious)
You see a doll on a music box, that's wound by a key
(scrumptious a...)
How can you tell I'm
Under a spell I'm
Waiting for love's first kiss
(honest truly, your the answer to my wishes)
You cannot see
(Truly Scrumptious)
How much I long to be free
(though I may seem presumptuous)
Turning around on this music box that's wound by a key
(my heart beats so unruly)
(because I love you truly)
While I'm turning around and around)
(honest, Truly I do)

Aaaah, thanks Kirsten for watching "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" during lunch! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Reality check: I'm a crabby patty!

Yes, I'm still over-emotional, and I've noticed it's unfortunately continued thru my weekend. And it's escalated from sad to majorly crabby! I know it's my own fault, too... I've let myself get a bit out of control. I feel like I've been clashing with Kirsten big time in the past few days, I feel like bawling like a baby even tho I haven't (yet!?!), I don't feel like doing the work I need to be, I just want to be left alone by everyone and everything... see what I'm doing?!? I need to slap myself in the face & snap outta it! I even did a semi-mopey post on Kirsten's site Friday! If I look at my weekend without the attitude, it's been good! I found a good frame (glasses) for Kirsten on Friday, work went well Saturday, that afternoon I went w/my niece Erin (& Kirsten) to my sister Val's place where Erin & I did Jenny's (Val's daughter) hair for homecoming (a tradition I have w/her!), I had fun working with the kids in church today, and I took Kirsten to a bday party this afternoon where we both visited with friends! So, what's my problem?!?

I do know I need to get some advice/help in the area of parenting... that's for certain! Kirsten's in this stage of not listening, and it's usually followed by stomping and growling. Well, not like I can remove her from the situation, because usually it's in places we can't leave from (like working or meeting at church)! I just don't know what to do! Matt was sweet enough to see my defeated frustration this afternoon (I think I'm wearing my emotions pretty noticeably now! LOL), and talked sweetly with Kirsten about treating me really special for the rest of the day. I just feel so frazzled... like I'm unraveling and I can't stop it! I think it's just so much on my mind that's causing this, but I know I'm not handling things like I should be... I'm letting myself get out of control & I know I need to change that... tonight! Okay, that's what I'll do! Have a little bit of chocolate (or a lot, if I feel like it! LOL), watch some random TV show that I can get lost in, then get to sleep BEFORE midnight & set my mind to start tomorrow in a better frame of mind. That's what I'll do! And let's cross our fingers that it works! Hmmm... maybe a little Xanax or Kahlua will help tonight, too! :) (Or both?!? LOL)