After all the talk yesterday about coffee, I decided to take a few extra minutes this morning to stop at McDonald's on my way to work. I don't think I'll ever understand how this can happen to me - and it happens often enough. I ordered a coffee with cream & sugar on the side. (Note: my reasoning for not having them put it in is because I always vary a little on how much I want in my cup, mostly depending on how strong the coffee seems to taste.) I look in the bag of goods before driving off & realize they didn't give me a stirrer. At this point I have to wait for them to return to the window so I can ask for something to stir my coffee with, only to be given a bewildered look. Seriously, can you think of any possible scenario in which the cream & sugar can be successfully blended with the coffee and without causing serious burning to various parts of the body? Come on, people! A straw! A stirrer stick! Something besides my finger is needed for this! Oh, that reminds me, I needed to share a little bit of good news about McD's and their stirrer sticks. It used to really bother me that the sticks were smaller than the cups. Yeah, burnt finger tips were a certainty. I'd have to ask for a drinking straw, and would always get that dumbfounded look from the employee as to why I'd need that for my coffee. (Obviously there just aren't enough coffee drinkers in the crews of McDonald's.) Anyway, a few months ago I was given a lovely surprise... they changed the size of the stirrer sticks! Now they actually work!
(Yes, I do have a photo to show you!)

See the before and after? What a difference!
This all leads me to share a few of my "pet peeves" - things that annoy me. Feel free to share some of yours in the comment section, too!
1. Stirrer straws that are too short.
2. Buying coffee (with cream/sugar on the side) and not being given something to stir it with (this also happens to me in restaurants - I'm often seen stirring my coffee with a knife).
3. Toe cleavage. It's where the little lines between your toes shows outside the shoe. Eeeew! It's just wrong!

(Yes, two photos, just to show the horror of it!)

4. People that drive in the turn lane. You're supposed to have your signal on, and wait for a clear moment to merge. It's not an open driving lane, people!
5. People that park in front of storefront doors. I'm talking about the ones that figure they'll "just run in for a second" and end up taking 5 minutes or more. In the meanwhile, Granny outside can't get to the railings on the walkway because Dopey blocked it with his car. Poor Granny has to take the long way around, slips on a small patch of ice and breaks her hip. Dopey doesn't even notice his car being taken away from the tow truck that the ambulance driver called, because he's too busy talking on his bluetooth loud enough for everyone to hear his conversation about something nobody gives a rip about! And we can't forget to mention he continues to talk on his phone while approaching the register to make his purchase, never even bothering to say a little "hello" or "thank you" to the employee that's glaring voodoo-death wishes at him from behind the counter! (*catches breath*)
Huh! I think that last one covered about 3 or 4 pet peeves in one! LOL So, what irks you?!?